which dictionary is better?

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Which dictionary do you use?

  • Oxford Advancd Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 36 40.0%
  • Oxford Student's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 7 7.8%
  • Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 12 13.3%
  • Longman Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 52 57.8%
  • Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 4 4.4%
  • Webster's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 6 6.7%
  • Concise Oxford English Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 2 2.2%

  • رای‌دهندگان
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I prefer longman. and I have oxford advance dictionary in home ;D
webster is too complicated! you want to find the meaning of a word you should check out 100 other words too.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I also prefer longman for its fantastic american accent and I can also take its exams such as TOEFL and TOEIC and SAT
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

oxford dictionaries are too good but the its picture dictionary is more better to learn . it's easier and funnier !!!​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از Neg@reh :
oxford dictionaries are too good but the its picture dictionary is more better to learn . it's easier and funnier !!!​
The picture dictionary is pretty useful if you wanna learn new words, but if u wanna look up a word that seems unknown for you I personally recommend Longman Dictionary
  • لایک
امتیازات: Neg@r
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

dictionary of contemporarary english
for advanced learners !
the best !
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از Ham!D ShojaE` :
The picture dictionary is pretty useful if you wanna learn new words, but if u wanna look up a word that seems unknown for you I personally recommend Longman Dictionary
you're right​
i also prefer normal dictionary at a same time​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

Long man is best to be used at home.But as a portable dictionary, I'd prefer Colon's for cellphone and Narcis5(instead of babylon ) for pc.​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I would rather study longman.
I think that longman define simpler but oxford is more advanced than longman
longman: Am
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

As a computer dictionary, what I do is install a Babylon & download different dictionaries for it. Including Webster
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از Black Death :
As a computer dictionary, what I do is install a Babylon & download different dictionaries for it. Including Webster

Bobylon's definitions are inclusive but the pronunciations are electronic instead of recorded .I personally prefer recorded ones, cause the accent can be imitated more easily.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

There also These two books I really think are good .
Oxford collocations Dictionary .
The Oxford Collocations Dictionary shows you Which words work together
anyway if you wanna sound more natural while talking this Dic. really would help .

Michael Swan Practical English Usage
Practical English Usage is the indispensable reference book on language problems in English for Teachers and higher-level learners.
So that would be a good idea to have these books beside your Longman or Oxford Dictionaries .​
p.s : Both books R‌ published by Oxford
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

Oxford is better.but i used longman.now i only use dictionary in my phone
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I have long man and I think it's good. because it has many words with example.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

.During the past few months studying for konkur, I tried both Longman and Oxford advanced dictionaries and I believe Oxford has been more helpful
!If you want exact and strict definitions, Oxford it is
But for simple definitions and to understand the words easier you may choose Longman; I'm not implying that Oxford is not understandable; Oxford has a GREAT collection of .practical examples for words and phrases, but it's for when you're ok with spending time on the learning process
i didn't know longman but i knowing it now! and i think it is not bad!
I prefer Longman.but I don't recommend it if you are a beginner.Its definitions are a little complicated.If you are a beginner,I suggest Cambridge
I think longman is very suitable for main words and useful words but for specialist words for instance special disease we can use OXFORD or meriam webster