Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع
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Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

  • hopeful

    رای‌ها: 30 73.2%
  • hopeless

    رای‌ها: 4 9.8%
  • not hopeful , not hopeless

    رای‌ها: 4 9.8%
  • I haven't any Idea

    رای‌ها: 3 7.3%

  • رای‌دهندگان

کاربر خاک‌انجمن‌خورده
نام مرکز سمپاد
شهیـد بهشتی
علم‌وصنعت‌ ایران
رشته دانشگاه
what is your perspective to your future?
please tell your idea and your reason
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

I Think I am Hopeless
Many persons before me Became "The Best"
And Now
Can I Be Better ?!
I do Not Think So
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

I think unemployment is to much in our country
and maybe we can't have job in future
but it depends on ourselves
for example we can achieve a high degree in university and go to a foreign country
and make job there
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

i think im hopeful
why i cant????
i really think i can be the best im my course and careers
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از minaaaaa :
i think im hopeful
why i cant????
i really think i can be the best im my course and careers
when there is no job for you
how you can be successful? :-?
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

I don't know why you think the meaning of succes is having job?
But I'm so hopefull about future.
Because I try to do my best in my life.
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

Why Should i be hopeless? ..... the one who have a supporter doesn't give up... and Muslims choose the best supporter​
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از M!lad R :
I don't know why you think the meaning of succes is having job?
But I'm so hopefull about future.
Because I try to do my best in my life.
can you explain for me your definition of success?
everyone want to be the best but all of them can't be the best
and by the way how you can be the best without job?
:-? :-? :-?
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از !Poorya! :
when there is no job for you
how you can be successful? :-?
i speak about future.
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از minaaaaa :
i think im hopeful
why i cant????
i really think i can be the best im my course and careers

a Famous person says " Know That You are loser In A Battle When You Think You are Winner In It"
Future is a authoritatiVe
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

I am hopeful and hopeless I dont know what to say
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

I'm Hopeful Because I believe in GOD. s
Don't Lose your Faith anyway , If you do , You'll Be the most hopeless person in the world ! s
I Experienced It and You'll become So Numb.
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از پـوریــا خ. :
can you explain for me your definition of success?
everyone want to be the best but all of them can't be the best
and by the way how you can be the best without job?
:-? :-? :-?
everyone want to be the best but just some of them try to be best. we have many wishes in our life but if we dont try for them, nobody will give them to us.
I khow the hopeless points in our life, like something that you said about job, but I khow someone that have a good job, good family and everything he wants and he lives here and he have our situation. so we can be the best if we do the best.​
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

im hopeful cause i think youre succesful when you enjoy your life and this doesnt depend on the depends on can change the situation and i think i have this ability
in my imagination im an engineer and making robots and im a good pianist :x
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

Not hopeful and not hopeless.Because I don't know what will happen the future...So...​
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

why not?!​
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

the way of u'r thinking can change u'r world...
so stop being pessimistic and hopeless!
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless to your future?

به نقل از ایـمـان :
Why Should i be hopeless? ..... the one who have a supporter doesn't give up... and Muslims choose the best supporter​
hmm ... yeah , but Im not sure about this supporter ... maybe im so depressed !
پاسخ : Are you hopeful / hopeless towards your future?

dude seriously ?!
hopeful ?
sure im not hopeful
i dont find a reason to be hopeful to future
I am kinda hopeful. Cause, i think our future only depends on us, not anyone else.
So, if we try to achieve, we will be successful.
We only need to believe ourselves and follow our dreams, which we love.
Our society doesn't need only doctors or people studying in big universities, we need artists, photographers, poets, workers, and blah blah blah...