An INTP has no place in the world
If you look at successful academic INTPs, most of them created their position, or pioneered their field. This is because INTPs have no set place
So when someone tells us to study real hard and we’ll have a place doing something, our thought is a “No, I won't.” I think deep down all of us know that we are unwelcomed guests
We’re unwelcomed because we challenge authority without meaning to. Like everyone else, we don't understand the world, but unlike everyone else, there is no one like us in a position of authority
We disrupt and overhaul bad designs. We create efficiency, and efficiency is an enemy to most people’s livelihoods or careers, or social clubs
For this reason, the system discourages efficiency because the entire education system was designed to place people in jobs. And for that reason, it goes against everything that an INTP cares about
As population density increases, waste must also increase or else no one will have work
This is a real problem that the early industrialists tried to solve when they designed the education system
As of right now, efficiency is the enemy of Society and the very thing the INTP cares about the most
We're not lazy, we're just disillusioned and discouraged by the laws of humanity