slang of the week

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I'll write a slang here every week
try to guess the meaning

the first one:
take the edge of
پاسخ : slang of the week

plz say an example with each slang word than you want to write
by this way , we can guess the meaning easily
;) :-"
پاسخ : slang of the week

I don't want to make it as easy as u can answer in a moment!
try to geusstimate!
cz it is the first case i'll bring an example:
he quickly thought of something to say that would take the edge off his remark​
پاسخ : slang of the week

forget sth or get it ouda ur mind.
i guess if u try sth easier for newbies this page would become more and more popular.
پاسخ : slang of the week

who can tell me what this means:
let's shoot the breeze >)
پاسخ : slang of the week

it means
let'a speak casually
to : death angel
پاسخ : slang of the week

now who can guess meaning of this one:

hey dick! :)

U use that expression to address Ppl u don't like much.
It's pretty close to "avazi" in persian. Am i right?
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از Death Angel :
U use that expression to address Ppl u don't like much.
It's pretty close to "avazi" in persian. Am i right?

no. it's just a informal way of calling ppl. not for whom don't like. and "avazi"is "shit" in english but it's same as hey guy!
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از tressa :
no. it's just a informal way of calling ppl. not for whom don't like. and "avazi"is "shit" in english but it's same as hey guy!
well as far as i know calling someonea dick is considered impolite...
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از Death Angel :
well as far as i know calling someonea dick is considered impolite...
yes it's impolite but at all american ppl are not really polite. and i forgot that it means detective too.

Well it means a whole bunch of other things but here is not really the place 4 it...
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از Death Angel :
Well it means a whole bunch of other things but here is not really the place 4 it...
yes. but i said those meanings as slang ..
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از tressa :
yes. but i said those meanings as slang ..

if you open an slang dictionary in front of some of them it is written "objectionable" it means that in the world of slang not all of the words are offensive and the one you told is offensive
پاسخ : I.c.w.u.d.t

به نقل از Stewie Griffin :
if you open an slang dictionary in front of some of them it is written "objectionable" it means that in the world of slang not all of the words are offensive and the one you told is offensive
ur right. (:
پاسخ : slang of the week

why is here so silent? so let's me tell the next slang.
who is "a boy in blue"? :-/
پاسخ : slang of the week

به نقل از Stewie Griffin :
blue means cop
boy in blue might be an innocent person
boy in blue means cop too.