slang of the week

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع stevendeljoo
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پاسخ : slang of the week

به نقل از faen :
Now let me ask the next one
((jump the gun))
Do U have any idea? :-?

I think it means :to hasten
am i right?
پاسخ : slang of the week

Hi. let me write the next.
what does "abagaba" mean?
پاسخ : slang of the week

What an amazing topic! It really needs to be revived!
Continue with tressa's post!

به نقل از tressa :
what does "abagaba" mean?

پاسخ : slang of the week

Then I have "fat cat"
Any Idea ?