New Words + Creativity

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پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

You mean WE create new words? Or just write the actual word. I offer we do both, since knowing short form of the words can really help us in writing here in the English part because if you check English forums, they all use short forms frequently. Anyways, Let's start

BTW: By The Way

OMG: Oh My God

پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
You mean WE create new words? Or just write the actual word. I offer we do both, since knowing short form of the words can really help us in writing here in the English part because if you check English forums, they all use short forms frequently. Anyways, Let's start

BTW: By The Way

OMG: Oh My God

i mean the same as the persian one. we create new words. for your opinion another topic is needed ;)
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

PhD: pros" high degree (i made it my self while i had a english test!)​
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

به نقل از Lily Delicated :
PhD: pros" high degree (i made it my self while i had a english test!)​

plz write what it stands for e.g.
Doctor of Philosophy
pros" high degree
and let us focus on a world then we go to the next​
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

this one is used frequently in teen movies
for your information
that's all i can think of at the moment, i'll get more soon
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

So the thing we should do is write the short form of a word, then write the real long form and under that, write the thing you have made. Something like this


real: what would Jesus do

Mine: world wide jaw drop

پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

به نقل از Death Angel :
this one is used frequently in teen movies
for your information
that's all i can think of at the moment, i'll get more soon

Guys the purpose of topic is something else plz read that persain one :(
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
So the thing we should do is write the short form of a word, then write the real long form and under that, write the thing you have made. Something like this


real: what would Jesus do

Mine: world wide jaw drop


yep ;)
should we stay on the first word please
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

به نقل از Stewie Griffin :
yep ;)
should we stay on the first word please
:)) !!!!sorry dude, didn't get it the first time
???MIT, is it

Man I'm Tired
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Oh oh, okay so let's stick to the first one for now we will get to the other words later.

M.I.T :

My Interior Terrificness :-$
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

MIT is the persian version of MIB
MIT= Men in Tuxedo
MIB = Men in Black
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Morally Insecure Techniques
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Murder insane teachers!
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Manually Illustrated Textbook
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

???how about another word
the topic has became really quiet