New Words + Creativity

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پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

I agree, how about SAT?
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

school's angry teachers
streak ahead technically
snakes abusing teddies
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

sins and tricks
  • لایک
امتیازات: faen
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

solid a** trap
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

sushi and tacos
:-& :))
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Sergeant Ali Tehranian =))
  • لایک
امتیازات: faen
my fav

Simple Art of Trolling B-)
?what does it really mean anyway
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

I'm not sure what does it stand for but it's a standardized exam somewhat like Konkoor taken from high school students in United States and it can be very important for they're future.​
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

The SAT is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT is owned, published, and developed by the College Board, a nonprofit organization in the United States. It was formerly developed, published, and scored by the Educational Testing Service which still administers the exam. The test is intended to assess a student's readiness for college. It was first introduced in 1926, and its name and scoring have changed several times. It was first called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, then the Scholastic Assessment Test, but now SAT does not stand for anything, hence is an empty acronym.

it is an international exam and every American university wants its score from all his applicants (both national and international) for the admission process.
the only countries that don't take this exam are Iran and china :-w
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Society of Ancient Teachers ;D
  • لایک
امتیازات: faen

Sanction againts technology :-"
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

silly angry birds

Sick and Tired
new word maybe?!
  • لایک
امتیازات: faen
پاسخ : New Words + Creativity

Shall we wait until it reaches the third page? organizing it somehow

I said tht cuz i got SAT of the word SAT ;)
p.s: ten posts for each acronym should do the trick i guess! A whole page takes too long! As there aren't many participants