Daily Diary


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نام مرکز سمپاد
farzanegan 1.teh
دانشکده علوم پزشکی شهید بهش
رشته دانشگاه
Hi guys ! Some changes have been made and here we are with the Daily Diary Topic

You can talk about interesting stuff that happens to you & the way you feel about them everyday .that way you'll be able too keep an account of your everyday life and learn English too ;)

There are a few rules which you are expected to obey:

1. you should not answer other posts or write any comments about them
2. Please use proper english to post in this topic. the aim here is to improve our English and learn something from each other.
3.Please don't chat with each other

Thank you. :)​

November 3rd 2012
the last 3 days have surely been among the best days of this year. Starting with the best physics test I could ever take & going on to 3 days with no school , family quality time & most importantly days filled with a person whose meanings to me would never fit in any word I could ever write, & what I'll be writing will be nothing but just a fraction of what is deeply inside me ... L
I'm a bit tired tonight so I won't be writing for long except what I'm about to say which is a single sentence that shook my whole world... "you are all i ever wanted..." reading that was enough for my mind to get in touch with my soul and think about absolutely nothing but the one who told me that .... The one who certainly did shake my world ... A
It's never the words that affect u, it's the feeling lying behind those words . Once the words come from the deepest of you, they'll be the essence of your existance to the person your telling them to. The second i read that sentence I recieved almost every feeling behind it & believe me when i say this : It was the most beautiful feeling i ever had... Something strong enough that'd make me , the guy who always knows the right thing to say, hanging in there wordless... It
is strangely beautiful... H
پاسخ : Daily Diary

God I always wanted a topic like this 8-^
Dear Diary 8-^ ....
These Days , I guess , must be my golden days . The BEST days that I would ever have . And they are , but I feel something's wrong! Like I've missed something...
It's like a big hole in my life that I never can fill it with something!
I try to portend that it doesn't matter , but it does... and I know it but what can I do?
just keep portending that it doesn't exists :|
P.S : Sry for typos / grammar mistakes ; it's kinda late and my head is bursting ;D
پاسخ : Daily Diary

November 4th.
Not every one's life is perfect...Not every two people match. ...& one in hundred when they do,when your only wish ever comes true,you make sure you'll never let it go...So I'm never lettin' you go..

November 5th 2012

I've been adopting to this bookworm diet (!) recently & umm... My body's not really coping with it as it should :)) everything needs time ! Including this one ! What matters is being inspired 'n moving forward all the time ! Tnx 2 God , I have crossed paths with my inspiration... & now these paths are becoming one ! L
The sanction put on me by my father ,which is meant to be making me study , used to put me under real pressure but now i really don't care :)) except I stole my own Ipod (!) few days ago & along with my secret phone it has made me economicky independant ! Plus i get to listen to my excellent collection of music every morning . Running around the park close to my school , listening to music , best things to cheer me up 4 a long day at school . U
november 4th , the day we became officially couplated :)) the fun part is neither one of us did it by their own hand & had someone else do it :)) although my friends comments were not really inspiring :-" it was fun anyway ;D even took my bookworm adapting away
there again i'm running in the park , listening to A2 & enjoying every second . :]
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Shortest ever : We Rock !

11:30 p.m​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

November 9th , 2012

Dear Diary

Today I found out that , A face behind a mask has come to be my biggest hope ... A face behind a mask has come to my ONLY hope now ... A face behind a mask is making me feel things that I never have felt before ... A face behind a mask is finally giving me something to hold on to ... A face behind a mask is the reason I'm here , writing all this at the moment ... A face behind a mask has changed the way I look at my life & the way i live it . Then I came to realise that it was not the face behind the mask doing all this magic to me , it was the eyes . It was the which made touch those deep untouchable parts of my existence ... it was the eyes . A

Dear Diary, those eyes , besides that ray of joy & happiness that I see through them , have made me fall for 'em . The one in possession of those eyes have finally given me something I haven't had for a long time . They gave me Something to lose... B.U
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Now i think its the first time i write on this part of site: English
let me wriite the diary of November 6th ,2012
that was the best day i could have after 3month!
i had (public) math exam and after that physics for about 4hours!
that was boring but more over I had stomachache!!!
So that was terrible ! :((
finally the cllas had finished and after that i took a pill and went to bus stop!
before i went home i decided to ask about the schedule of dentist clinic
that was the time that i saw one of my friends that i didnt saw him/her for a long time-about 1year >:D<-
he/she is dentist on(?) that clinic

*if i have any grammatical wrong plz tell me
by pm
Short one

Dear diary
i don't know what date it is , i just know that somehow by some kind of miracle i am enjoying each and every second of my life ... Indeed we rock :] i got a hunch more and more of these days are ahead . Just gotta do as i planned ... I hope i can do so . L.u.m
پاسخ : (بدون موضوع)

if someone who can remove this is seeing this please remove this sh.t
lots of thanks
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Thursday 7:50 p.m

Hi There,
At the moment the only thing I'm thinkin' about is giving vent to stuff I've kept inside all week long...It was an excruciating week one can barely deal with ...but It's over.Nothing special has happened ,in deed I'm supposed to feel my highest these days...but can't keep thoughts off my mind..can't make this freakin' gray matter inside stop knitting happy moments together and turnin' them to beasts...I feel like a leave attached to nowhere which can fall every second...independent.scared.Godless.

But ofcourse I've got some one to have my back...an angel like one.....some one I know will never let me down..let me fall...what we have ain't ever over.​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

November 17 . everything is okay or at least I think so.
after a long while (!) I posted again in my favorite forum but there's a strong feeling which keeps me away from samapadia. a feeling which I owe sampadia for it. and It's all because it understands that I am busy or not. It could be like all other sites which just think about how to entertain their users and don't wanna lose them. I think before being banned, some parts of my time were lost but it taught me to value my time. it taught me not to lose or waste it. so I do
owe it. things are somehow getting harder and harder but I am hopeful .


November 28
what's happening in my life today? (:| It's all from some people who can't understand students' attitudes. how would you feel
if someone tells you that you have an olympiad tomorrow? what would you prefer to study? I do hate these people. and I am just studying from the afternoon. the problem is that I am not so hopeful about it.
Oh My God.
I hope I will do my best .
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Let the president date Ema Stone ! Let pashmak go match with barbari ! Let us enjoy the moment together no matter where in future we're gonna end up... >:D< >:D<
Dear Diary

It is all about the Decisions we make . Nothing outside of that . By the right choices one can turn "Titanic" into "Noah's Ark" . However where our decisions lead to is always a mystery . Even to those who do the deciding . But the "art" is to enjoy what you already have . It doesn't matter if your ship is going to hit some ice mountain & eventually get u killed . What does matter is that you do your best in enjoying the scene before you drown ;D ! In other words , forget about the destination... Enjoy the way leading you there ! a

. In this "way" fear may stroke . This fear is inevitable , being strong towards it is the key to get through it


. When parted , breathing becomes harder , as if she was the air I breathe
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Ma boy is bad when he's bad,but when he's good no one's better...​

8-^ 8-^


I'm sry. X_X
پاسخ : Daily Diary

January 16.
and I am back again. I was just thinking about about my relation with sampadia. and I found that I was always a member of the silent majority of sampadia. members who just sign up and visit their favorite forums and try banning for some time.and try don't care about what's happening out here [nb]1did you know that politicians in Us called such people :"silent majority "but they never understood the meaning of this expression. silent majority in fact meant dead people!! [/nb]. actually I am not like this in the real world.
but I don't have time to be active here.
..!besides Olympiad! . I can I just say I hope I do my best and not any more
:) Moments

January 29th 2013
21 : 37

You don't always get one of these moments . Moments of " just Shut up - Kiss Her - Smile at her - Look in her eyes " . These moments are pretty rare . Once you get one , make sure you get the most of it . L
پاسخ : Daily Diary


Amazing how feelings can totally change in just a few days.. or even a few moments
Amazing how a few words can get you on top of the world
Dear god, I felt your hand taking mine, helping me to get on my feet and to deal with all annoying feelings that I've had for the last few months. I saw you smiling at me :]

No matter how far you are..
I can always feel you here..
in my heart.​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

...and today I understood that even sampadia behaved nastily to me (not sure about the preposition ) maybe too pessimistic . Try to stay calm . things will get better . I just thought that at least sampadia is the place where people who at least have the same situation like me. maybe I was exaggerating. anyway just a hope can make me feel better.
smile , :)
پاسخ : (بدون موضوع)

there's one rule in my life!in the worset situations most nerv crushin' things must happen and make it the worset ever!i'm crying inside from anger.sometimes a simple thing make me that much angry that i want to curse time and space and everything...since 10 in the morning till now i'm holding my self and act patiently but oh god i feel like i'm bursting want to punch right in someone's fuckin' face and dislocate it.may my anger go away.that much angry that that someone can be a crying baby,even better!...and fuck the whole universe
What The Fuck is wrong with me?!p.s:Sorry i used many 'fuck's in this...