Daily Diary

پاسخ : Daily Diary

Yesterday , We ( Me And 2 Other Guys ) Had To Make A Magazine For Our Persian Class & We Had A Plan , The First Guy Had To Work From 4PM To 7PM , I Had To Work From 7PM To 11PM And The Second Guy Had To Work From 11PM To 3AM. The First Guy Just Worked 1 Hour And he Copied Some Junk From Wikipedia And Forbes. We (I And The Second Guy) Worked Hardly At The Pointed Time With Microsoft Publisher 2013 And We Got F...ed..! Finally , We Went To School (Today) And Guess What? When I Said To First Guy That Why He Didn't Work Good , He Said : "Hooray ...! You're A Genius , I'm Proud Of You..! :| " . He Didn't Even Say Thanks To Me And The Second Guy (Because We Did Job For His Point , Too) . The Second Guy Went To The Printing Room , And From Our Goddamn Luck , The Windows Of Their Computer Has Just Broken Down !! Finally , Before The Time That Our Teacher Was Leaving The School , We Printed That Magazine , But That Was Just Black & White And You Could See Nothing At Those Pages. The Teacher Didn't Accept That Magazine And He Said That We Have To Bring A Colored Copy Of Our Magazine ..! And Our Point Got From 20 To 18. S H I T . That's All
پاسخ : Daily Diary

to continue my way is harder than death

sometimes you dont know "what you want to do" and when you cant find an answere,it makes you angrier than ever

findig out the truth is so hard

finding ourselves in our life is demanding

my mind is so busy​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

was listening to a song ... ding ding ... mmmm ... who have sent me a message? yes! Iransell
missed playing the piano
missed yesterday and learning the guitar
پاسخ : Daily Diary

I have a routine life. I really hate it. I have to clean my room for Noruz. My mother starts complaining as usual.
پاسخ : Daily Diary

telling truth and making someone cry
is better than telling a lie and make his/her smile
no nothing else matter
پاسخ : Daily Diary

DEAR diary! :-lol

you know schools had finished'n I'm home again ...! whole the day :|! little bit boring but It turned exhausting today!

b]SPRINKLING...![/b] although I hate it, this outstanding music did me good! How ever, I coud finish It! thanks GOD realy!

And about my father...! his home'n those old do'n donts started again!
For the sake of god plz do sth to finish this damn day!

Waiting for the END! 8-^ :-plz
پاسخ : Daily Diary

dear god
are you there ? if you R why dont U help me? why dont U help me to solve these problems?
if U R why did U put me in this situation?why have U put this interest in my soul? why I love these things?
if U R wh dont U why dont U ? why dont you help me?​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

These days are really different.
A little weird,confusing,like the time you don't know what to do,which field to choose,what happens then...OMG.
Just gotta be OK,I hope. :)​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Dear diary !
I can't say how I feel !
It's so hard to explain ... But here I go :
I thought that this summer would be the best summer ever , it was actually but some how I don't feel ok about this summer :|
"Is" suddenly left !! 4 no reasone . It's not that I don't want "Is" to leave ... NO
I do want but not like that !
I mean "Is" hasn't send me anything yet ... WHY ?
That the BIG question in my head YEP.
And the weird thing is I see "Is" every time but 4 " Is " it's like it never happened :|
Gotta go
LOL ( lots of love )
پاسخ : Daily Diary

I feel like talking in English is way easie. Isn't it?
I can say things in English that I can't even think about in Persian.​
پاسخ : Daily Diary

Dear dairy
just wanna say that yesterday was such a good day , I almost got the result that I was supposed to get much sooner than this , after all of that unexpectable events , finally sth good happend , I may confess (!) that I love the ten next ten days ! not because of twenty second of Bahman , I just love the fact that in these days schools are gonna be nearly OFF , so amazing 8-^ . as a result of deleting my acounts in viber , instagram , facebook , kik , line & wechat ,I feel much better , thanks god 8-^

p.s : I haven't gone to my English classes for about 4 years , so a plenty of grammatical and spelling mistakes are expected . :-"