Forum Game: Ban the person above you

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پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Wow !‌ Guys would U take a look at ur posts ? please be a little creative .
Stop banning with the reasons that stupid !‌ just think a little more think of a better reason , a new reason

Ur having fun in these topics , but one important point about all these topics is to help u improve ur English and it happens when u try to write sth new , when u think more , when u see some problems and try to solve them . for example u wanna write sth and u don't know the meaning . u go look it up in dic. so u have learned sth new .

Please , please . I beg u guys to be a little more creative and stop banning each other with stupid reasons

The person before me @ Ur actually one of those who I'm talking with . Such a mess U have made here :-l Still looking for a reason to be banned ?‌U R‌ Like the leader of spammers !‌
So try to be a little more creative and a little less spammer . otherwise u'll be banned!‌:d

پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for losing his temper because of Spammers ;D
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امتیازات: 1tA
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for having plenty of "Roo"

Fireball.II: ;D ;D ;D i agree
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for using "roo" instead of an English word!
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for not respecting to your mother tongue
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

banned for not responding to others questions about graduation
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for having same name as me (think so :-?)
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for being a fan of Avril! ;D
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for interfering to other's personal interests
Ban the person above you

Banned for banning people who are interested in other's interest
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for not having a "bang"
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

banned for being unemployed ;D
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for having scary avatar.
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for calling herself "Princess"
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

banned cuz the number of her likes are less than the number of her posts. and also for posting alot in English topics, having no "alayeg",being younger than me 'n having no social networks. was that enough? ;;)
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

?Banned because she wants to convince everyone that she told enough reasons to ban the person above her.why
Also ,I can't find any relation between her new and former username.
:-[I do apologize because I myself didn't have persuasive reasons to ban her .
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Baaned for talking too much.
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

banned for writing "baaned"
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

"Banned for thinking she is a "Mohandes
پاسخ : Forum Game: Ban the person above you

Banned for not having an avatar
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