The sentence-by-sentence story

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع Beatriz
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پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

he didn't​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

! become depressed​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

Story finished!
Tip:The next one should start another story...
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

A bug...
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

I didn't understand...Ok,let's start a new story: There was...​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

OK,thanx Pari Naz.Guys,Please continue the new story(There was...)​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

So what was the story I started? ;D
Ok! There was... A bug!
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

Pari Naz,actually I didn't understand the meaning of "A bug"!​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

Bug means حشره، ساس!
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

Oh Thanks sorry sorry!/A bug went to​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

...heaven slowly ...
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

but God​
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

stopped it
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Bug cried
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

and asked
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

Why god
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

And then
پاسخ : Forum Game: The two word story...

God laughed !!!