Your Pet

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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان خرم آباد
مدال المپیاد
المپیاد شیمی و زبان
Do you have a pet?
What is her/his name?
Describe her/him[/ltr]
پاسخ : your pet

well, yes i have 4 dogs! one of them is a dover man and those 3 are shianloo(i dont know the english word!) i love them so much!
their names are : jimmy odey shina shiny!!
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
well, yes i have 4 dogs! one of them is a dover man and those 3 are shianloo(i dont know the english word!) i love them so much!
their names are : jimmy odey shina shiny!!
You have FOUR dogs?!!! that's sooo cool! how do u keep them? i guess it must be a lil' bit hard...! x​
پاسخ : Your Pet

i dont keep them in our home!! they are in our garden! they are so cute! :)
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
well, yes i have 4 dogs! one of them is a dover man and those 3 are shianloo(i dont know the english word!) i love them so much!
their names are : jimmy odey shina shiny!!
4 dogs?????????????????????????????
oh my God
very good and nice
their name is very beautiful
and i thing keep them is soo00oo hard
پاسخ : Your Pet

it is hard! but i like keeping them!
پاسخ : Your Pet

I used to have a little chick! she was really really cute!! but unfortunately she died. it was awful. one morning i woke up and i found her frozen body in the basement. I never realized why she had to go to the basement ? what did she want? Only God knows!!! x​
پاسخ : Your Pet

I had 2 sharks! lina & timba <3
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از EhsanJ :
I used to have a little chick! she was really really cute!! but unfortunately she died. it was awful. one morning i woke up and i found her frozen body in the basement. I never realized why she had to go to the basement ? what did she want? Only God knows!!! x​
oh sad
very bad calamity
پاسخ : Your Pet

i used to have a hamster!! i had called her stephanie! after a while i gave her to one of our friends becouse i didnt want to see her death!
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از EhsanJ :
I used to have a little chick! she was really really cute!! but unfortunately she died. it was awful. one morning i woke up and i found her frozen body in the basement. I never realized why she had to go to the basement ? what did she want? Only God knows!!! x​
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از minaaaaa :
oh where do u keep them? do you have aq?
yep! they were too cute! but I gave them to my cusin cause he's vet and second reason why I gave them cause I had them about one year and both lina n tima were big! they were one ! but I wanna buy 2 again this year! I love sharks! even more than dophins!
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از Death :
yep! they were too cute! but I gave them to my cusin cause he's vet and second reason why I gave them cause I had them about one year and both lina n tima were big! they were one ! but I wanna buy 2 again this year! I love sharks! even more than dophins!
oh good
پاسخ : Your Pet

!I had a hamster but she died
her name was cute and she was realy cute
پاسخ : Your Pet

when i was child i had a rabbit
his name was jefry
oh i like him alot but my mom gave him and his wife and his childrens to one of our family
i think now he died :(( :((
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از minaaaaa :
when i was child i had a rabbit
his name was jefry
oh i like him alot but my mom gave him and his wife and his childrens to one of our family
i think now he died :(( :((
i had a rabbit too!! but she escaped from our house!! i cried 4 her 4 about one week! her name was taaty!!