Your Pet

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پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از minaaaaa :
when i was child i had a rabbit
his name was jefry
oh i like him alot but my mom gave him and his wife and his childrens to one of our family
i think now he died :(( :((
Oh! how sad! sorry! x
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
i had a rabbit too!! but she escaped from our house!! i cried 4 her 4 about one week! her name was taaty!!
oh my dear
very bad
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از minaaaaa :
oh my dear
very bad
yeah it was very bad! i had a very bad argument with my parents and i told theme it was your fault and you shouldnt let her go! but it wasnt their mistake! you know non of us knew that she could escape from that tiny little hole! :((
پاسخ : Your Pet

! :((I wanna have a little monkey but my mom don't agree with me
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از negin.kh3 :
! :((I wanna have a little monkey but my mom is not agree with me
Monkey? really? they're sooo hard to be kept in a house! i think ur mom's right about not having it! unless u have a big yard or a garden or something... u know, to keep the monkey!!! x​
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از EhsanJ :
Monkey? really? they're sooo hard to be kept in a house! i think ur mom's right about not having it! unless u have a big yard or a garden or something... u know, to keep the monkey!!! x​
.I think both of you are right
پاسخ : Your Pet

I have two cats,two hens & a jar full of different worms!
I love animals >:D< >:D<
پاسخ : Your Pet

I have a speaking mina and a dog
i call him shiyan ;D ;D
پاسخ : Your Pet

I've never had a pet
i just don't like them very much... i mean i like them but taking care of them is really difficult

i once had a chick, actually i had found it in the street

as far as i remember it died after 3 days...

May she/ he rest in peace ;D
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از نرگس :
I have two cats,two hens & a jar full of different worms!
I love animals >:D< >:D<
!so you can buy more animals and stablish a zoo
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از negin.kh3 :
!so you can buy more animals and establish a zoo
I had also a porcupine,a frog,a chicken,& a duck.
the porcupine escaped,&the others died after a period of time.
;D ;D ;D
پاسخ : Your Pet

i have 12parrot fish.they r red and orange and yellow and colorful!
they have cute lips.and they r very naughty
i LOVE them!
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از ParNiaN.D :
i have 12parrot fish.they r red and orange and yellow and colorful!
they have cute lips.and they r very naughty
i LOVE them!
oh, nice!! how long do they live?!
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
12 years? oh, thats goooood!​
yeah.but one thing that i don't like about them is when they don't see their owner for sometime,they die!
it's a strange fact about parrot fish
پاسخ : Your Pet

به نقل از ParNiaN.D :
yeah.but one thing that i don't like about them is when they don't see their owner for sometime,they die!
it's a strange fact about parrot fish
how nice! it is so intresting! it shows their faithfullness !