Your Pet

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پاسخ : Your Pet

We used to have a pet toad. I don't know whether it was a male toad or a female one, but it was rally cute. :x And when we picked it up and put it on our hands, it would make a cute sound and look us straight in the eye. But then, one day, it left us and never came back. :-< I do miss it​
پاسخ : Your Pet

where do I have to even start? ;D
I've got lots of pets (5 dogs , 2 bunnies , 2 cats and 3 mocking birds :-\)
Last year my bunny left me :|
I really miss her now :-<
پاسخ : Your Pet

I had a dog
his name was daniel but we called him dani :x
but after awhile my father didn't let me to keep him and i miss him :x
پاسخ : Your Pet

I have a Myna bird too ( He's name is HAJI !(حاجی ) s
He Is So Funny.​
پاسخ : Your Pet

I had 2 rabbits!! ;;)

Their name were Dani & Ani !! ;;)

Dani was black & white with dark brown eyses!! ;;)

Ani was white with red eyes !! ;;)

I grew up them !! ;;)

But they died ... :(
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امتیازات: Neg@r
پاسخ : Your Pet

Pashamak ?! I like this name ! :)) s
پاسخ : Your Pet

yes pashmak
i love it
but one day he went out of hause and never com back
پاسخ : Your Pet

i had a rabbit
her name was negi
she was white and pink , she was so cute and little ...
but a day i got up then i couldn't found her ... :-<


i had a tortois (i'm not sure about spelling ) was so cute
his name was lucky
but i hurt him a lot ... i hitt him :-" but not so hard
i fed him with vegetables
a day i thought he is not rest so i let him go any were he want