Best movies ever seen

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پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

[HOOLIGANS The Departed is of course one of my favorite movies.
I also liked " Blood Diamond" vary much.
but have you seen " Green Street Hooligans"? it is also called "hooligans" it is a REALLY great movie
the main actors are Elijah Wood ( who aslo played in " the lord of the rings" )and Charlie Hunnam who is not vey famous i guess.
the director is Lexi Alexander
the movie is about a Harvard university student called Matt ( ElijahWood ) who decides to go to England to live with his siter.
there, in England, he meets Pete ( Charlie Hunnam) and realizes that he is the leader of West Ham's hooligan firm, the GSE (green street elite)x
in other words, pete is the leader of West Ham's fans. West Ham , i think you all know, is a popular football team in England
this movie clearly shows the fights between the fans of different teams and how they deal with each other.
it showas what fans do against each other, and how can these actions be dangerous and sometimes even cause deaths
in my opinion it is GRAET
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
[HOOLIGANS The Departed is of course one of my favorite movies.
I also liked " Blood Diamond" vary much.
but have you seen " Green Street Hooligans"? it is also called "hooligans" it is a REALLY great movie
the main actors are Elijah Wood ( who aslo played in " the lord of the rings" )and Charlie Hunnam who is not vey famous i guess.
the director is Lexi Alexander
the movie is about a Harvard university student called Matt ( ElijahWood ) who decides to go to England to live with his siter.
there, in England, he meets Pete ( Charlie Hunnam) and realizes that he is the leader of West Ham's hooligan firm, the GSE (green street elite)x
in other words, pete is the leader of West Ham's fans. West Ham , i think you all know, is a popular football team in England
this movie clearly shows the fights between the fans of different teams and how they deal with each other.
it showas what fans do against each other, and how can these actions be dangerous and sometimes even cause deaths
in my opinion it is GRAET
i totally agree with you B-) :-\!!!!!!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

I've seen the Reader movie, I sort of enjoyed that.
But i suppose the movie named "Artificial Intelligence" was really better then the Reader,
I don't remember the director or script writer or even actors/actoresses name, because i saw that years ago.
I saw it 2 times and each time movie finnished, i cried. It was really fantastic.
I seggest everyone in this forum to see it! It worth wasting time for 2 hours.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

VanTaGe PoinT
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران جون :
I've seen the Reader movie, I sort of enjoyed that.
But i suppose the movie named "Artificial Intelligence" was really better then the Reader,
I don't remember the director or script writer or even actors/actoresses name, because i saw that years ago.
I saw it 2 times and each time movie finnished, i cried. It was really fantastic.
I seggest everyone in this forum to see it! It worth wasting time for 2 hours.
i think i've seen it....yes i was reallu perfect.... :((
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از amy lee :
i think i've seen it....yes i was reallu perfect.... :((

Yes it is. Do you remember that direvtor name?
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران جون :
Yes it is. Do you remember that direvtor name?
the name of the director is Stephen Daldry
by the way i forgot to mention STEP UP
STEP UP 1 and STEP UP 2 both were great i think
i REALLY liked their moves and the songs that were used in those movies
the director of step up 1 is Anne Fletcher and the director of step up 2:the streets is Jon Chu
it's really difficult to say which one was better ;D
Chaning Tatum played in step up1 and Robert Hoffman played in step up 2
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
STEP UP 1 and STEP UP 2 both were great i think
i REALLY liked their moves and the songs that were used in those movies
the director of step up 1 is Anne Fletcher and the director of step up 2:the streets is Jon Chu
it's really difficult to say which one was better ;D
Chaning Tatum played in step up1 and Robert Hoffman played in step up 2
they are fantastic!!!!especially step up 2... >:D<
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از amy lee :
they are fantastic!!!!especially step up 2... >:D<
I haven't seen Step Up 2, but i saw Step UP 1, That was intersting to me
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

i looooove step up 2! ive seen it more than 10 times! 8-} (ofcourse only the dancing parts! ) and ive been listening to its songs since ive seen the movie! >:D< ;D its awesome!​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از Ashkan :
identity is the one that is a little bit scary? that some people die in it? (get killed) and at the end you understand that the killer was the little boy
if this is the movie that you meant i've seen it and i liked it. i never thought that boy could be the killer
now that we're talking about thriller and mystery i have to mention MINDHUNTERS
it is really great ( i don't want to say i LOVE these bloody movies it's just that some of them are so exciting)the way in which the killer killed people in this movie was so strange
the killer was so smart . he worked based on their weakpoints. and the thing was that most of them were not aware of their own weaknesses.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
[identity is the one that is a little bit scary? that some people die in it? (get killed) and at the end you understand that the killer was the little boy
if this is the movie that you meant i've seen it and i liked it. i never thought that boy could be the killer
now that we're talking about thriller and mystery i have to mention MINDHUNTERS
it is really great ( i don't want to say i LOVE these bloody movies it's just that some of them are so exciting)the way in which the killer killed people in this movie was so strange
the killer was so smart . he worked based on their weakpoints. and the thing was that most of them were not aware of their own weaknesses.
There's another movie just like those movies you said. It's name is "Seven". I think you'll love it. A murderer murders 7 people because they'd done the 7 big seems. The way he or she kill them would be interesting.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران جون :
There's another movie just like those movies you said. It's name is "Seven". I think you'll love it. A murderer murders 7 people because they'd done the 7 big seems. The way he or she kill them would be interesting.
i've seen "seven" but not from the begining. as far as i remember Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman played in it and i think Kevin Spacey was in it too right?i
i agree it was really great
i've heard it is based on the 7 biggest immoral acts that one can do. .
i especially liked the last part that someone brought a box and morgan freeman looked into it
it did not show the inside of the box but there was blood on it. i guess it was brad pitt's wife's head or something like this
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
[identity is the one that is a little bit scary? that some people die in it? (get killed) and at the end you understand that the killer was the little boy
if this is the movie that you meant i've seen it and i liked it. i never thought that boy could be the killer
now that we're talking about thriller and mystery i have to mention MINDHUNTERS
it is really great ( i don't want to say i LOVE these bloody movies it's just that some of them are so exciting)the way in which the killer killed people in this movie was so strange
the killer was so smart . he worked based on their weakpoints. and the thing was that most of them were not aware of their own weaknesses.
به نقل از مهران جون :
There's another movie just like those movies you said. It's name is "Seven". I think you'll love it. A murderer murders 7 people because they'd done the 7 big seems. The way he or she kill them would be interesting.
i've seen it!that's w0nderful!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
i've seen "seven" but not from the begining. as far as i remember Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman played in it and i think Kevin Spacey was in it too right?i
i agree it was really great
i've heard it is based on the 7 biggest immoral acts that one can do. .
i especially liked the last part that someone brought a box and morgan freeman looked into it
it did not show the inside of the box but there was blood on it. i guess it was brad pitt's wife's head or something like this
And I didn't see the end of movie! Yeah that's right, Morgan Freeman and others, right
You really love bloooooody movies! I'm afraid of watching them :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

I love scary movies verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :
You really love bloooooody movies! I'm afraid of watching them :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
no i don't love bloody movies ;D ;D ;D
:-\ :-\ there are some of them that i can't watch either
for example there are two movies one is FINAL DESTINATION and the other one is SAW
i watched final destination 2 and 3 and i enjoyed them but i can't watch saw
it's just TOO BLOODY
it's not noly scary but it's also made in a way that you can't watch it
it is like torturing some people and making a film while you're doing it
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