Best movies ever seen

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پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

is a perfect movie
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
no i don't love bloody movies ;D ;D ;D
:-\ :-\ there are some of them that i can't watch either
for example there are two movies one is FINAL DESTINATION and the other one is SAW
i watched final destination 2 and 3 and i enjoyed them but i can't watch saw
it's just TOO BLOODY
it's not noly scary but it's also made in a way that you can't watch it
it is like torturing some people and making a film while you're doing it
Yeah, I agree.
Too tell you the truth, I have seen Say I, II, III And IV.
That's really terrible! It makes you feel you're really in that position and you're being tortured, not actors! The director had done a great job! It was really interesting too me. Especially that scene that a girl fall into a hole that was full of up-side-down syringes!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :
Yeah, I agree.
Too tell you the truth, I have seen Say I, II, III And IV.
That's really terrible! It makes you feel you're really in that position and you're being tortured, not actors! The director had done a great job! It was really interesting too me. Especially that scene that a girl fall into a hole that was full of up-side-down syringes!
i havn't seen them but my friends have told me some of the scenes and this one that you mentioned was one of them
i've also heard there is a scene ( i don't know in which saw) that they have to put their hands in a something like
a glass which is full of acid i think. and it shows what happens to that hand ( if we can call it a hand!! ;D) i
it's really terrible i don't think i can ever watch them
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
i havn't seen them but my friends have told me some of the scenes and this one that you mentioned was one of them
i've also heard there is a scene ( i don't know in which saw) that they have to put their hands in a something like
a glass which is full of acid i think. and it shows what happens to that hand ( if we can call it a hand!! ;D) i
it's really terrible i don't think i can ever watch them
That's II I think...
But unfortunately that work is not usefull for that poor woman, because she can't do that on time and she ran out of time, so the machine triggered and her chest and stomach blew up!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :
That's II I think...
But unfortunately that work is not usefull for that poor woman, because she can't do that on time and she ran out of time, so the machine triggered and her chest and stomach blew up!
:-\ :-\
i am really happy that i havn't seen that scene ;D
but i have to say that the special effects of saw( all of them) are really great
thay look so natural =D>
i have heard that in one of them they kill each other and at the end they realize (actually the last one realizes) that
they could all survive if they had worked together and helped each other
this is a really important message that a movie can have
to appreciate life and not to be selfish and help others
( this is my opinion based on what i have heard about "saw" maybe i'm wrong...)
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
:-\ :-\
i am really happy that i havn't seen that scene ;D
but i have to say that the special effects of saw( all of them) are really great
thay look so natural =D>
i have heard that in one of them they kill each other and at the end they realize (actually the last one realizes) that
they could all survive if they had worked together and helped each other
this is a really important message that a movie can have
to appreciate life and not to be selfish and help others
( this is my opinion based on what i have heard about "saw" maybe i'm wrong...)
I don't remember that scence, but with your description of it, I think you're totally right
Yes, the movie makes a statement here. a big one.
You're absolutely right
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

let me tell you something interesting about SAW
i have heard that in Esfahan University they show ( showed, i heard that last year i 'm not sure if they still do it) SAW to medical students
to ,somehow, prepare them
you know, to make them ready for blood, bad conditions...
i wonder who has came up with this idea
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
let me tell you something interesting about SAW
i have heard that in Esfahan University they show ( showed, i heard that last year i 'm not sure if they still do it) SAW to medical students
to ,somehow, prepare them
you know, to make them ready for blood, bad conditions...
i wonder who has came up with this idea

Sorry, That was so strange that I couldn't resist typing Persian!
What a bloody preparing!
They must be crazy of course! Oh my god. Can you imagine it? Watching SAW for preparing for surgery? What a preparing then :-)
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :

Sorry, That was so strange that I couldn't resist typing Persian!
What a bloody preparing!
They must be crazy of course! Oh my god. Can you imagine it? Watching SAW for preparing for surgery? What a preparing then :-)
I totally agree!!​
It is so strange!
But i really think it works because they ( the medical students) will never see anything worse and more bloody than scenes of SAW
I think if they watch SAW very carefully (oh my god! i would never be able to do that!! ;D ;D ) then they will become completely prepared
It seems that scary movies are becoming more useful...
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
I totally agree!!​
It is so strange!
But i really think it works because they ( the medical students) will never see anything worse and more bloody than scenes of SAW
I think if they watch SAW very carefully (oh my god! i would never be able to do that!! ;D ;D ) then they will become completely prepared
It seems that scary movies are becoming more useful...
...Maybe you're right
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :
...Maybe you're right

...i said it works but i'm sure this is not the BEST way of teching and preparing sudents

another good movie that i've seen is IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER
the one that i'm talking about is English
not the Persian one
it has been made in 1993 and it's based on a true story
Daniel Day Lewis is the main character ( he has also played in " Gangs Of NewYork " he was the butcher in that movie)i
it's a really beautiful movie
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

20000miles to god
is very nice
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
...i said it works but i'm sure this is not the BEST way of teching and preparing sudents

another good movie that i've seen is IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER
the one that i'm talking about is English
not the Persian one
it has been made in 1993 and it's based on a true story
Daniel Day Lewis is the main character ( he has also played in " Gangs Of NewYork " he was the butcher in that movie)i
it's a really beautiful movie
I'll try to watch it of course!
?Have you ever heard of Artificial Intelligence
!That's a peace of art
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از مهران :
?Have you ever heard of Artificial Intelligence
!That's a peace of art
it's really great
actually i've seen it twice!
that little boy plays extremely well in it
and the way it ended was so sad ... :(
but at least he got his wish...​
this movie is like looking at our own future
with all those robots and high technologies
به نقل از رشید شاملی :
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
isn't this the movie that Penelope Cruz won Oscar for playnig in it?​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

isn't this the movie that Penelope Cruz won Oscar for playnig in it

Its true
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

knowing is awesome and nicolas cage acted in it. it's sth like final destination. and horror movies fans should see ''28weeks later
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

12 round
with world wrestling entertainment no.1 superstar john cena
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از farshidGCD :
I've seen very good movies yet
superhero, 8 mile, texas chainsaw the massacre, cat in the hat, benjamin button and american pie : band camp are best of 'em
i agree with 8 mile
it was really great
he acted pretty well inthis movie ( i mean Eminem ;D )i
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