!Thinking in English

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?Do you think in English

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پاسخ : !Thinking in English

I myself sometimes think in English but I don't create sentences, I use the ones I've recently heard. Like now, I'm re-reading Harry Potter Series (Now on book 6 ;D) and they use a lot of phrases so I use them when thinking but I don't use much new words, just the ones I have complete dominance on​
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Well ,yes ido think in english . Recently i 've been dreaming in english too. Wow its really fun.w
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

I've been thinking about it for months! and finally, I came to understand that I can't do that. I realized I just translate the things I want to say in Persian into English, in less than a second! I guess others do the same thing.
I think, thinking in Persian, is something you can't help! It just happens.
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

به نقل از mooket s :
I've been thinking about it for months! and finally, I came to understand that I can't do that. I realized I just translate the things I want to say in Persian into English, in less than a second! I guess others do the same thing.
I think, thinking in Persian, is something you can't help! It just happens.
I don't agree! take the example of me! ;D my native language is not Persian, and i use Persian only when I"m out with my friend. At home, I use my native language, but still I get to think in both Persian & Engliish. so it is possible! all u need is a bit of strong will!
and remember what I said in a few posts back; as long as u look at english as a subject to study, u won't make much progress. on the other hand, if it becomes some sort of a hobby for u, u'll learn better than anybody else
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

You mean you think in Persian, the you translate it to English? That's not considered, I guess. 'Cause you're still thinking in Persian & the only job your mind does is translating.​
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

What's stupid about it? I think it's good
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

yea ..
whnever I mix up not even I think in English by myself but also express many many many sentences in english !!!
first part's good but the second ..
straight infront of th mirror (?) is another common situations I keep thinkin' in english and talking to myself!
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Guess I usually think in Eng!! :-?
I like my thoughts when they're Eng! :))
after thinking in Eng I talk to myself or my mother about my thoughts,& we try to discuss them,again in Eng! ;D :))
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

no, what I say is not that I first say sth in my mind in English, then I myself translate it into Persian consciously! I know i do that, but so quickly that I don't understand!
I mean, if a native speaker who is knowledgeable in languages hears what I say, will definitely understand that I'm not a native speaker. you know, I think you can never express yourself in another language. you can never create something. because it's not you who controls the language!It's language that controls you!. I don't know if I have made myself clear.
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Well, depends. that usually happens when I'm thinking of something that i've heard before in English, Or am using the exact same words in my thoughts that ive read or heard somewhere. :-?
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

i think english when i wanted to give a lecture ;D ;D
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Now thinking with myself, I understood that half of my thinking happens in English! and I usually emphasize a lot ;D most of this thinking comes from the books and movies I read and I also watch 3 or 4 series together (I download them every week) and I think they are much better than movies if we want to improve our English.

Have you ever felt that when talking, it's much easier to say something in English? this happens for me like all the time. I know, it's stupid ;;)
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
Have you ever felt that when talking, it's much easier to say something in English? this happens for me like all the time. I know, it's stupid ;;)
As a matter of fact that is not stupid at all. It happens to anyone that uses more than one language at a time. In my case sometimes I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out what a persian meaning for an English word.
The problem is I do know what exactly the word is but I don't know what it's called in persian. for example the word "cozy" it took me almost half an hour to remember what it meant in persian a few days ago.
This thing really gets under my skin
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

به نقل از Death Angel :
As a matter of fact that is not stupid at all. It happens to anyone that uses more than one language at a time. In my case sometimes I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out what a persian meaning for an English word.
The problem is I do know what exactly the word is but I don't know what it's called in persian. for example the word "cozy" it took me almost half an hour to remember what it meant in persian a few days ago.
This thing really gets under my skin
Yeah the same problem goes with me too!
And the worst part is when u r talking to some one then when u explain that u dont remember the persian word they laugh and think u r showing off!
I realy hate that feeling!
!But thinking in eng and talking in eng to myself helps me to calm down in the hardest situations
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

I only think in English and talk with myself when I listen to english musics, watch English movie or some clips. But it's some weeks that I''m working on English hard so every thing in my mind have changed to english. I wish there was someone in our house who could talk to me in English.
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Usually I Don't
But When I Wanna To Swear ;D I Use English To Think ;D
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

when i'm walking alonely in a street i always talk and think in english ...
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

Seriously , If You Don't think english while you are speaking, You can't Speak as well as you can ,I experinced It And PLZ don't do my mistake. If you want to speak verywell , Try to Think english Because In that case , IT'S MANDATORY !​
پاسخ : !Thinking in English

When I am alone I do it it is better than think in persian for me because my thoughts only waste my time but when I think in english i remember some words but my english is terrible and I have to stop thinking