Weekly Discussion

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پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از eglantine :
The proposed topic of mine for next week is this:
Konkoor,yes or no?
embryo from the first moment of formation is nothing but a colony of cells which is dividing into two daughter cells as i passed in embryology courses
and i don't really understand what makes this embryo having spirit or something
but at any time the parents of this fetus have the right to get ride of it no matter whether it's cruel or not it's their fetus and they r in charge of it no one else can decide but of course both male and female producer should be convinced

I totally agree with you.but we want your opinion here...whether you think it's cruel or not


cool topic ! ;)
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

;D please start giving suggestions for the next topic
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Euthanasia = Mercy killing ! YES or No ?​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Well this question is like asking whether it's ok when someone spoil all his stuffs or not
it's none of our business
This fetus 'll be their kid not yours, mine or any other one's so they should decide about its status
beside ,some time life doesn't worth living, including some congenital disorders or parents who suffer from poverty and already have kids
So it would be much better to let parents choose their own path because we r not in their shoes and we can't judge if it is cruel
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از eglantine :
Well this question is like asking whether it's ok when someone spoil all his stuffs or not
it's none of our business
This fetus 'll be their kid not yours, mine or any other one's so they should decide about its status
beside ,some time life doesn't worth living, including some congenital disorders or parents who suffer from poverty and already have kids
So it would be much better to let parents choose their own path because we r not in their shoes and we can't judge if it is cruel
why don't u put urself in that situation and see how it feels like?
when the kid is gonna be sick for his whole life, it DOES make sense to abort it. But just cuz U don't have enough money to raise the kid doesn't give u the right to kill it?! does it?
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از eglantine :
Well this question is like asking whether it's ok when someone spoil all his stuffs or not
it's none of our business
This fetus 'll be their kid not yours, mine or any other one's so they should decide about its status
beside ,some time life doesn't worth living, including some congenital disorders or parents who suffer from poverty and already have kids
So it would be much better to let parents choose their own path because we r not in their shoes and we can't judge if it is cruel
Your baby is not your stuff : |
It's a human with the right to live.
That way, you are your parents' "stuff" and they can decide what to do with you and it's none of your business!

Chinese couples were "taking risks" and had babies just to have "sons" and many female ones were killed just because their parents could have one child and they wanted that one child to be a boy.
Don't you see it cruel?
Maybe they had the right to kill their stuff because of its gender 8-| I hope you don't agree with them!
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

I didn't say that children are their parents' stuff' i said the fetus is like their stuff
After birth things change because environment changes
As a kid grow up his dependence on parents decreases so he can live separately and that's why he is not their stuff anymore
For me myse,lf i am physiologically, socially and somehow economically dependent so i 'm not my parents' stuff but one day i were
And about Chinese people i think the thing u mentioned is a cultural gap which is totally different from our issue
the thought behind this, is not whether abortion is good or not; but it is whether pregnancy worth birthing a female newborn
and it means that in China despite all economical developments women are still second class citizens
and i am absolutely against this
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

!What about Immigration? It's a hot topic and we can have a good discussion, also, it doesn't need any extra knowledge​

?Oh, seems like there's already a discussion going on in here, Aren't we supposed to give suggestions​
We're kinda keepin' 'em both goin' on;D

via tapatalk
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

.As I belive that a bad life is worse than no life at all, I agree that parents should do whatever they think is correct to do, as they're responsible for the baby's future​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

The topic will be locked and cleaned up for the coming week
please vote for your favorite subject
You have until tomorrow to vote & afterwards we're gonna start the next round

;) p.s : the last option is my personal suggestion
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Aright guys the topic is set ;)
U may start the discussion and the topic will stay here for a week (can be more or less depending o popularity) a
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Relationship is good and necessary for both boys and girls no matter where u live
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Separating boys and girls in the school damages the relationships between them. And then families are a little too sensitive on their children, which is so bad​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از eglantine :
Relationship is good and necessary for both boys and girls no matter where u live
The question is the way it is going on in Iran. See, despite what you say a lot of parents disagree with it and also a lo of teenagers who get into this kind of thing have no idea about it. actually, to be honest people hardly ever know anything about these things. Because without knowing it, we're making it look like a taboo in our society & instead of studying the matter we just avoid it.
First of all, we must see what is the definition of a relationship.
A lot of people, including me, don't have any clear ideas about it. In order to start , we must know what a relationship really is.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Well it depends on many factors :)
What U see now in the streets or many other places actually isn't a relationship
. It's just a kind of hobby or game for those people
. Personally I don't like this type because it just wastes U'r time and at last there is no special privilege for U
But if you just turn around to find U'r one and be with him/ her forever ( or try to be ) as a good friend , it will be nice.
Also it depends how U and that boy / girl think about it
Some people don't even understand what a friendship is​
Any way
What do you mean by a relationship ? If its just like a simple friendship I suppose it doesn't have any problem.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از ♍ Virgo ♍ :
Well it depends on many factors :)
What U see now in the streets or many other places actually isn't a relationship
. It's just a kind of hobby or game for those people
. Personally I don't like this type because it just wastes U'r time and at last there is no special privilege for U
But if you just turn around to find U'r one and be with him/ her forever ( or try to be ) as a good friend , it will be nice.
Also it depends how U and that boy / girl think about it
Some people don't even understand what a friendship is​
Any way
What do you mean by a relationship ? If its just like a simple friendship I suppose it doesn't have any problem.​

i'm agree with you
relationship must be in a way that both sides can get something useful out of it
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

In Iran , Most of Teens, especially Boys needs to start a relationship because of their feelings about girls but unfortunately, they can't because of some reasons like Religion's Orders , Familly disagreements ,etc and most of them just Mast**bate to satisfy themselves . In my Idea . Mast**bation is not a good way to replace it with the main thing.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

i think teens are in tow groups!
some of them needs to realation ship for communicate and learning some social traits..
and another finding out a emotional partner.
i think the best position of the first one is university..
because in another places realatin ships mean to be gf-bf!

and the intresting point is that some of them think that they need to a n emotional realation ship but they are false!
some communication is enouphfor them!
it s my exprience! ;D
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از بره ناقلا :
i think teens are in tow groups!
some of them needs to realation ship for communicate and learning some social traits..
and another finding out a emotional partner.
i think the best position of the first one is university..
because in another places realatin ships mean to be gf-bf!

and the intresting point is that some of them think that they need to a n emotional realation ship but they are false!
some communication is enouphfor them!
it s my exprience! ;D
the purpose of university is something else my friend
even if a boy and a girl get friends in university i think there is no difference and they r supposed as gf-bf just like girls and boys who get friends in any other place
but the fact is that being gf-bf should not be a taboo as u and most of people around us think
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