Weekly Discussion

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پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از eglantine :
the purpose of university is something else my friend
even if a boy and a girl get friends in university i think there is no difference and they r supposed as gf-bf just like girls and boys who get friends in any other place
but the fact is that being gf-bf should not be a taboo as u and most of people around us think
I didnt mean that!
i said"some social relation ship"
for example cooperation in some avtivities!
but not with a individual person!
being in groups for some avtivities can teach teens some social behavior and skills!..
and that s enough!
i dont mean that termination is good!
i say some of teen misundrestand about their feeling!
actualy they in some social activities but they think they need a love!
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

i am totally disagree with u
relationship is something completely different from social activities
in social activities people gather and try to fix something and the thing that is important is not their sex ,is their humanity,believes ,hopes and so on. i don't think that such groups can help people knowing those with different gender and i blieve that if someone take place in such groups just for knowing males or females he or she misunderstands the purpose of that group and actually abuses that group
but a relationship means being friend with a specific person and try to understand those with different gender
by the way when a person goes to university he or she is not a teen any more!!
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

I think knowing how to have a good relationship with the opposite gender is very important in everyone's life.
Why are our schools separated by gender?
Because parents are worried about some sexual matters.
but have you ever thought what does an elementary school student know about sexual matters if there isn't any defect in his or her parents' upbringing?
Parents must teach their children how to have a good relationship with the opposite gender from childhood so that they won't be worried about their relationships and the children can have good relationships.
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

some teen make a relation becase they want to speak with some one they want someone to bilive them and be important 4 them i think the lake of emotion is the most reason of this rieathon
Here we are gonna choose some subjects for our weekly discussions.
You can post here all of your suggestions. after choosing one out of them, in another topic we discuss the subject. just this ;D
One another point, please do not suggest repetitive and general subjects like "wealth is better or science?" ;D

Thank you all
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

About what?every thing that we like you maen?
you don't have any suggestion
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از ناهیـــــــــــــــد :
About what?every thing that we like you maen?
you don't have any suggestion
Everything, every subject that can make an attractive discussion​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Hi every one

I think the benefits of language learning is useful for our weekly discussions
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

creating a topic is sth . having it continued is else .
I think when u create the topic it would be a good idea to come back and check it .
how long has it been ?‌ couldn't u find ANYTHING‌ to discuss? x
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

[I think it was much better if the subject had been chosen already

otherwise the whole time would be wasted on choosing what to discuss

Pouria:You think of one... :-"
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

lets talk about the weather :))
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

what a beautiful sky :-"
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

As you know in this tapic they discussed about subject a lot.
I think it's better to continue the old topic or choose one of the suggested items in it & after a while start to ask for a subject.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Lets talk about our schools ,our teachers... :-"
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

no-one wants to speak?! :-"
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Im Volunteer ;D
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

hey guys [-(
why don't you start? :-w
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