Sampadia translating competition

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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
علامه حلی 1
امیر کبیر
رشته دانشگاه
مکانیک (ساخت تولید)
I was thinking of a competition for English Dep. in sampadia and I thaught that a translating competition would be a great hit.​

The Rules of the competition :​
1. Every month , a short passage in English will be presented here
2. Every competitor should translate that passage and present the translated passage to the manager
3. The manager filters some of the translations and Put the best ones here
4. The best translation will be the one eho passes the filters and gets the most likes here​

I will be glad to here your ideas​
And I also hope that the competition starts in the following week .​
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

Is it gonna start at all?
is sb gonna let go of those fun topics and join these more serious topics for God's sake
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

I Suggest This Song, For the First Try!!!

Cradle Of Filth - Saffron's Curse
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

به نقل از Naughty :
I Suggest This Song, For the First Try!!!

Cradle Of Filth - Saffron's Curse

Lyrics are difficult to translate
a script is better for the first try
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

I agree with NigHt HaWk & also I think everyone can get the translation of this song from enternet :-? so its better to translate a passage :-\
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

به نقل از Naughty :
I Suggest This Song, For the First Try!!!

Cradle Of Filth - Saffron's Curse

I agree with the others. Lyrics are really hard to translate as there are some expressions and Idioms in English that cannot be translated to Persian. and the same applies for Persian to English translation. Why not ask us to translate a piece from a book for the first try?
Then again, about the lyrics, it may be worth a shot! How should we send the translations? PM? Email?
پاسخ : Sampadia translating competition

.I think the topic will move in a better way if we start translating some useful DIY projects
Translated DIY projects could be later used in a Persian DIY website .

SO for the beginning lets start with an article from this website

Take a look at the articles there and suggest any good article that you see

But for the main road of the competition I suggest this article
So translate the topic and send it in a Microsoft Word file to me .
Remember two things :

1.Its not just about translating the article . you should transform the English article to a Persian one as it has never been an English article.
2. This article is just for the competition . But good translations from you would be a motivation for us to start a more serious DIY translating project

I will be thrilled to hear your opinions .