!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

you know?now summer is going to finish and schools will open again. I love going to school but i think i need more holidayes and I miss summer. :(
I need more time to surf the net and chatting with friends but the time is over 8-|
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

summer is going to finish...
before it was even started...
at least for me
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Summer is almost finished and I didn't study anything !!! X_X
What should I do? :-s
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I didn't study ,too

summer is going to finish..Idon't want...oh my gosh
Then the schools will open and homeworks and exams and many many thing...but summer is going to finish very fast!very very fast

But why?why
because the sky is hi
and elephants can't fly

I hate winter I hate school...But I like school !I can't say I don't like it...because it's full of cool kids...oh
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امتیازات: sepi
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

when i was a 7 year old girl i wanted to be a herrow now i see that was very silly what do you think about that
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Honey we are not angels... So dont blame your self for not acting like them.
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I'm not going better...oh
so many people I should see agian...
Mrs.khorshidi always hurts us!she's always angry...
but she make us happy...everything she does is so funny...she's a taskmaster woman...oh
we lough at her when she's in her room...
hey...school is not too bad!
yes full of cool kids and cocky girls that thinks they're the best...we lough at them ,too
but I think it's not fair!yes :)
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

School is stupid ! :-w
our yard is too small for 4 grades ! our class is too pokey !
my friends are in another classes ! and my classmates are ridiculously kharkhoon ! :-w
don't know what to do ! :((
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

but our school is very big for us...
there's a big yard around our school...
yes our school isn't so good and full of good thing...
and our school is in a village!!yeah :)
full of farms
hey...but summer where are U going?UGH
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

:| In order to get the full impact of the word "suffocation" , visit our school
And I still can't understand their useless policies when more and more people are sent to such a small school.​
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Feel i'm no longer alive
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Sometimes I hate being normal... :-<
But today I hated being special...
  • لایک
امتیازات: Frost
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I was wondering... Am I the only person crazy enough to:
1. keep 100+ earthworms in a 10x20x10cm box at home?​
2. Listen to Rock and Classical music simultaneously?​
3. Hate both Real Madrid and FC Barcelona?​
4. Talk to a pet turtle?​

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I can't understand
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

every time I comfort myself with the words"Tomorrow will be a better day
but it's just one thing worse than the previous
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

lets talk a bout big bang teori! :p ;)) ;)) ;)) :P :P =)) =))
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

[ltr]And a whale is swimmmmming in you...................[/ltr]
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Wish I knew what these all would lead to.
It's hard to take steps...​
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