!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

i think i forget every thing!!!
i cant speak az well as i was!!!
i really ashemed upset :(( :(( :(( :(( :((
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I am tired of this stupid life. :\
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

If we humans just knew and believed that we were all passengers ,there would be a perfect world.​
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

There are some proud people claim they are the best...I can't come across them,God..are they really the best however they are successful in their life?​
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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

NoOne Can Make me think in the way they want
Shitty Times. 8-|
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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I loved you so much..but now...I dont know.. I realy dont know :-< :\
However, If I am blamable ..
I am sorry. :]
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Gosh,boredom sucks!​
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

cut it out!! ~X(
پاسخ : !Let's Talk


How could it have possibly happened?!!

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

/: .One of these days, I'm going to cut you Into little pieces

8-^ ooh, Pink Ployd ×
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

? So u mean that I made a mistake? huh
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]?[/font]Ok. Np. I will solve the problem.. Just tell me why are u behaving like a dog :|
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I believe something is due to happen

dread think what

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

when I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

به نقل از .Ayatay :
when I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead

It depends on how to define sad, you may sometimes refuse to change some sadness feeling with so much happiness. Of course the sadness which prevents you from going on your way should be ignored or neglected, but those which motivate you to go along and satisfy your mind are very well respected :)
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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

به نقل از عــــــــلی :
It depends on how to define sad, you may sometimes refuse to change some sadness feeling with so much happiness. Of course the sadness which prevents you from going on your way should be ignored or neglected, but those which motivate you to go along and satisfy your mind are very well respected :)
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First of all thanks for refreshing the topic
And well yes you're right in the first part of your text but I don't get the meaning of the second part...I'm talkin' about that kind of sadness that is motivating(?)could you please give me an example?I can't think of something like that...
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

به نقل از Mahsa.Z :
First of all thanks for refreshing the topic
And well yes you're right in the first part of your text but I don't get the meaning of the second part...I'm talkin' about that kind of sadness that is motivating(?)could you please give me an example?I can't think of something like that...
, You're welcome, yeah such discussion needs to be active for improving English or transferring information
The motivating sadness makes you active, I mean it shows you new points of life and makes you interested in achieving your goals. As Sa'di says
بیزارم از وفای تو یک روز و یک زمان ؛ مجموع اگر نشستم و خرسند اگر شدم
motivating sadness stands in total contrast with that kind of satisfying in the second verse of the poem above
Other examples are also available out there and you can see many of them in Sa'di's poem for instance
By the way it might be against the rules of the topic to speak any Farsi here so I feel sorry for that but I really couldn't find a better way to express my thoughts, in the other hand I don't want to fight with them by persuading myself to speak English all the time!
Best wishes
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