!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

به نقل از عــــــــلی :
, You're welcome, yeah such discussion needs to be active for improving English or transferring information
The motivating sadness makes you active, I mean it shows you new points of life and makes you interested in achieving your goals. As Sa'di says
بیزارم از وفای تو یک روز و یک زمان ؛ مجموع اگر نشستم و خرسند اگر شدم
motivating sadness stands in total contrast with that kind of satisfying in the second verse of the poem above
Other examples are also available out there and you can see many of them in Sa'di's poem for instance
By the way it might be against the rules of the topic to speak any Farsi here so I feel sorry for that but I really couldn't find a better way to express my thoughts, in the other hand I don't want to fight with them by persuading myself to speak English all the time!
Best wishes
Uhum...now I got your point well that kind of sadness sometimes leads to The first kind eventually
But sometimes it is motivating indeed
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

This is what I enjoyed after reading for the first time:
whatever the fault he had from the start
remember reader he had a good heart
this is what Joe Gargery, The blacksmith of Great Expectations, wanted to write on his father's gravestone
Two other favourite phrases of mine:
critics which don't kill you make you stronger
A friend gives you a fish and a good friend teaches you how to fish
پاسخ : !Let's Talk


پاسخ : !Let's Talk

[size=10pt]don't feel bad if some one rejects you people usually rejects expensive things because they cant afford it [/size]
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Just wanna shout loudly...

I wish I could...
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Hi all,

It's really interesting how the thread's title is Let's Talk but everyone is posting about their own daily life and it isn't turning into a conversation as it should. I think the topic creator should assign a topic that everyone should talk about and that topic can change every week or so to keep this thread alive. Just an opinion. Like we could talk about science, photography, life itself, everything significant that happens around us (Like peace, war, politics, scientific breakthroughs and etc) and whatever has the the power to get us talking and communicating. Because that's the main reason forums are made.

Take care everyone

And happy New Year ;D

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

...just sitting here waiting for my angel of death to come
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

No more lies, live well and die happy
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

i forget everything 4 ever & i just want him to guide me
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Can not even breathe. ...
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

life is easy
...just be relax
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

i need to get lost 4 a long time (4 no reason)
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Angry,Because there is no reason to be happy and smile

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Full of emptiness :/
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

...was not sad
...was faking ;/

cause at the end, life ..... us all
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I am tired of life ..
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Just screwing exam.. .............. :-" :-"
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I just want to be in a warm car and listening to William Joseph's musics and it rains...rains
+I know I'm mad but that's what I am!!!!! And I wouldn't change!!!!!

+There's only 9 hours to my chemistry exam and I'm just refreshing Sampadia
Pray for me to pass my test [-o<

Persian let's talk was blocked then I wrote my words here :-"
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