English Questions Or Problems

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پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Paris.A :
I've got a question about using the word UNLESS

I know that there must be a positive phrase in front of the word unless, but I'm not sure if I use it correct or not
for instant: Unless you buy this tickets, you can't go to see the movie
Unless this lesson is finished, u can't pass the final exam

thanks for your helps.​

Your first sentence is correct.
Let me tell you a kind of clue!whenever you doubted about the accuracy and usage of "Unless" in a sentence,just replace it with "if not". For example,I checked your first sentence like this:
If you don't buy this ticket,you can't go to see the movie.
but the second sentence may be written better.
You'd better match the subjects.
So it can also be written this way: Unless you finish this lesson,you can't pass the final exam.
Your sentence is grammatically correct,by the way.But mostly in spoken Eng the subjects of the dependent and independent clauses are the same.
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از نرگس :

Your first sentence is correct.
Let me tell you a kind of clue!whenever you doubted about the accuracy and usage of "Unless" in a sentence,just replace it with "if not". For example,I checked your first sentence like this:
If you don't buy this ticket,you can't go to see the movie.
but the second sentence may be written better.
You'd better match the subjects.
So it can also be written this way: Unless you finish this lesson,you can't pass the final exam.
Your sentence is grammatically correct,by the way.But mostly in spoken Eng the subjects of the dependent and independent clauses are the same
excuse me,I didnt understand why her second sentence wasnt tru.could you please explain more? :)​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Dawn :
I dont think there must be a positive phrase infront of the word "unless" . :-?
like this sentence:unless you dont lie,you wont be a good guy.
your sentences were correct :]​

No,after "unless"There should be a positive phrase in American Eng.Because "unless/if not/except under the circumstances that..." has a negative meaning,the phrase must be positive.​
When you want to write a sentence,with the structure and also the meaning of yours,it's suggested to write it this way:
Unless you lie,You'll be a good guy.
skipping the above structure you can also say:

You'll be a good guy except under the circumstances that you lie
You'll be a good guy,if you don't lie.

به نقل از Dawn :
excuse me,I didnt understand why her second sentence wasnt tru.could you please explain more? :)​
Well,in fact we can't say it's totally incorrect.let's say it's not common.
It's more common that the subjects of the independent and the dependent clauses match.You know,it's better to say "Unless you finish this lesson,you can't pass the final exam".
But yea,saying "Unless this lesson is finished,you can't pass the exam." is fine,but better to use same subjects.
We can check it like this: If this lesson is not finished,you can't pass the exam.
It's a little weird in spoken English,but grammatically correct.
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امتیازات: Dawn
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

From fist until last term in English classes .my English was really good that i was first top in 4 last terms .but when the summer has started .lmy English really became awful .and because of that now i hate that English that really loved it .font know what should i do to became again like last year and improve my English again ?please help me :-(
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Tinaaaaaaaaaa :
From fist until last term in English classes .my English was really good that i was first top in 4 last terms .but when the summer has started .lmy English really became awful .and because of that now i hate that English that really loved it .font know what should i do to became again like last year and improve my English again ?please help me :-(
well, I can'nt understand you utterly! ! you mean you're English was perfect And then magicallly(!) turned to a disaster?! :-??
perhaps there was a time that you didt'nt catch up with your studing or someting like that!
i think you might just need to practice more
watching English movies(both with and without English subtitles) Would be efficient!
:> ;)
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Hydrus :
well, I can'nt understand you utterly! ! you mean you're English was perfect And then magicallly(!) turned to a disaster?! :-??
perhaps there was a time that you didt'nt catch up with your studing or someting like that!
i think you might just need to practice more
watching English movies(both with and without English subtitles) Would be efficient!
:> ;)
but idont have any free time to practice more and I'm too busy .and about the English movies;i really loved them and i like watching them but these days when i watch them and i understand less than before ,i became depress. :(i don't know what should i do ?!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از مهـشـاد :
You can go "Free discussion" classes
It can helps you a lot
i said that I'm too busy and i have allot of classes .i can't :(
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از ( Tinaaaaaaaaaa(good girl :
i said that I'm too busy and i have allot of classes .i can't :(
Oh Tina come on!!!
just take it easy !!! your english Quality is PERFECT !!!
Dont worry about this !!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از ( Tinaaaaaaaaaa(good girl :
but idont have any free time to practice more and I'm too busy .and about the English movies;i really loved them and i like watching them but these days when i watch them and i understand less than before ,i became depress. :(i don't know what should i do ?!
don'nt be too hard on yourself
I think you're just outrageously obsessed with the idea of getting your English Improved
If you're too busy then Just revise some of your English books or something
and I'm sure you do have some free time after all, you may dedicate some to English If you're really concerned
but you need'nt worry too much
It will be fine :)
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Tamila :
Oh Tina come on!!!
just take it easy !!! your english Quality is PERFECT !!!
Dont worry about this !!
yeah it's very good that i got 82.5 in the final exam .!!!!!! :(if yout remember .last term i git 98.5 and now 82.5 :-O :-( X-( !!!!!!!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از ( Tinaaaaaaaaaa(good girl :
yeah it's very good that i got 82.5 in the final exam .!!!!!! :(if you remember .last term i git 98.5 and now 82.5 :-O :-( X-( !!!!!!!

I remember !
But your teacher gave 10 negative mark for your class !! (i think because of reading) didn't she ?!!!!
so you have gotten 92.5 !!
By the way ! I know you better than every one !
you exaggerate about things that happen to you !!
and i know that you dont want me to argue with you .. SO .. I accept !!!
your English quality is not Good ! (but it's not !)
So try to IMPROVE IT !!! i know u can !
just take a look to the books that you have studied before !
review the grammer and even if its neccessary , have a look on words !
I'm sure that it will help you !!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از ( Tinaaaaaaaaaa(good girl :
yeah it's very good that i got 82.5 in the final exam .!!!!!! :(if yout remember .last term i git 98.5 and now 82.5 :-O :-( X-( !!!!!!!
seriously?! :o
does it really matter to you that you got 82.5 in your final exam?! :o :o
come on!
what a big disaster you came across! :))
your grade is excellent!
then why are you so concerned?!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از Hydrus :
seriously?! :o
does it really matter to you that you got 82.5 in your final exam?! :o :o
come on!
what a big disaster you came across! :))
your grade is excellent!
then why are you so concerned?!
Do u mean that my mark is good ?! :o
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

[ltr]Tiiinaaaa come on!! :)) Take it easy! ;D your mark isnt important the most important thing is your try which causes you get better and better at English :)[/ltr]
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

i am unacustomed here so please help me!
I studied english in ili(iran language ins.) for 2 years (b3-ele1-el2-ele3) and then i go two another insttution and studied there for 1 year they learn us TOPNOCH
after graduation from TOPNOCH , i began studing the 504 words and i finish 504 . and now i am "sevom dabirestan" what shoud ido after koncor to get tofel??? :-?

pleas answer me a.s.a.p and excuse me fo all the mistakes
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از ( Tinaaaaaaaaaa(good girl :
Do u mean that my mark is good ?! :o
of course It is!!! :))
any way, your mark is'nt so important after all
I think you're just getting paranoid!
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

no more questions?!
seems the problems have been all solved ;D