English Questions Or Problems

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع EhsanJ
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پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از inspiré :
!please answer my question
?do we say force somebody take something or force somebody to take something

To force somebody to do something
As far as I know, infinitive without to is only used after "make", "let", "have" and "help"​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

another Question~!
"Why do we say"I am gonna wear it to the interview
?And why don't we say for the interview
"....please notice that this is different from "I am going out to buy some.... or I am going out for buying
?I know that It must be to buy not for buying. but here it is the interview. I do think it differs. but what's your Idea
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

" a question about "retired hurricane
we all know that when a hurricane causes much damage they say that its name is retired and after that It 's not used anymore. but in High 2 book,it says: "Andrew was retired and replaced by Alex" what does it mean ? does it mean that they changed the name of same hurricane or the hurricane after Andrew was called Alex because Andrew was retired?
?"if you think the second term is correct , why does it say " replaced
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

The word 'retired' has nothing to do with hurricanes ! When a persom has a job for a certain time , e.g 30 years and then they stop working we say that they have retired ! The example you mentioned means that Andrew stopped wotking (for whatever the reason is) and Alex took his job . V
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

has nothing?!. here hurricane Andrew caused much damage. the problem is that when a hurricane is retired they don't use its name anymore but when it says "replaced" I thought it wanted to show that they changed the same hurricane's name
but It can't be possible .the fact is they shouldn't name the next six year's hurricane Andrew because Andrew is retired now.
according to the text below from wiki answers:
Normally a hurricane name is re-used every six years. However, if a hurricane is particularly bad the name of that storm is not used again out of respect for the victims and to avoid confusion. The name is then replaced with another name of the same gender and with the same starting letter, for example the name Andrew, retired in 1992, was replaced with Alex in 1998.

the answer is clear now. It would be much better for the |ILI book to write the sentence in this way : " they named the
hurricane in 1998 Alex because Andrew was retired in 1992
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

Hi. I had another question.
?which one sounds more correct
?child clinical psychiatry or clinical child psychiatry
and please tell me ur reason .
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

Clinical child psychiatry seems to be better.
Because it is the clinical form of child psychiatry not the child form(!) of clinical psychiatry.
However the second form is also used but to a lesser extent.
You can compare the usage of the two phrases using google.
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

yes. you're right, but I thought it can be also child clinical psychiatry and I meant that it is a part of clinical psychiatry which has to do with children
but it seems to be wrong.
thanks anyway
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

[nb]again me :-"[/nb]
?which one sounds more correct
?Yemen Or The Yemen
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

If your purpose is the small country in persian gulf's borders,
it must be Yemen.
If it's something special, particular thing, make it The yemen.
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

I am talking about Yemen which is in Persian gulf not anything else. but the problem is that in some grammar reference books it is said that the yemen is correct but in again some newspapers and press[nb]like Press Tv :-"[/nb]
Yemen itself is written with no article
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

give ref plz
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

[Longman English Grammar

According to what my teacher said,

and I am still waiting :-?
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از inspiré :
[nb]again me :-"[/nb]
?which one sounds more correct
?Yemen Or The Yemen

Yemen is correct. The article "the" is used for specifying a single thing from all the things of its kind. For example when you say "the pen" you mean a special pen while "pen" is general. Special nouns like country names and human names are originally specified.​
There is a rule: Use "the" if the country’s name includes a common noun. examples: the United States , the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union​
Although there are some important expectations like "the Philippines"​

Important note: "the" is used with the names of geographic areas like rivers,seas,deserts,etc. examples: the North Sea, the Alps, the Sahara. Therefore if you use "the" with a country name that doesn't include a common noun you imply that an entire nation is simply a geographic area. For example if you say "the Ukraine" instead of "Ukraine" the Ukrainians may be offended
So there is no "more correct" and "less correct" in this case. If you say "The Yemen" all the people of Yemen may be offended. :D
references: Cambridge official website - English Wikipedia​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

به نقل از inspiré :
[nb]again me :-"[/nb]
?which one sounds more correct
?Yemen Or The Yemen
Of course,there's no "the".
when you say" the name of a country" ,it may refer to a specific area in that country.
when you say the Yemen,for example,it my be the Yemen river,or a special place,name of a company ,etc.​
پاسخ : Grammatical Problems

به نقل از موشیرامیشونه :
I have read the two first chapters
I have read the first two chapters

Which one is correct?

Surely the second one is grammatically correct.the first sentence doesn't convey any proper meaning.​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

Any Problem,everyone? ;D
Come on,ask your questions.we'll help you find what you want.​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

I am really happy because high levels are over , ;D so there's no discussion between me and the teacher when both of us never accept each other's ideas :-" . as a
.result ,there's no question from me ! you know, I do believe that in some special cases , there's no right , no wrong
and about Yemen, again !,although you are all right but in longman english grammar, it is written that for some countries there are some exceptions and
as a result we use the for them .
But when I checked it again , I saw that the was in parentheses maybe that means it 's optional!
anyway thanks[nb]by the way , this post is a complete spam :-"[/nb]
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

I've got a question about using the word UNLESS

I know that there must be a positive phrase in front of the word unless, but I'm not sure if I use it correct or not
for instant: Unless you buy this tickets, you can't go to see the movie
Unless this lesson is finished, u can't pass the final exam

thanks for your helps.​
پاسخ : English Problems or Questions

I dont think there must be a positive phrase infront of the word "unless" . :-?
like this sentence:unless you dont lie,you wont be a good guy.
your sentences were correct :]​