یه قطره آب داره آرام از لاى برگ هاى سرم مىیاد پایین ، مى ترسم تکون بخورم و باد یادش بره همراه بشه ، یعنى مىفهمن ریشه هام خشکِ خشک ان ، یعنى مىفهمن من هنوز نفس مىکشم،
یکى شاخهش رو دراز کرده سمتم مىخواد یادم بندازه هنوز رگ هاى دستم گرمن
ما خیلى وقته یک جا وایستادیم
فقط ذهن هامون داره هزاران زندگى مىکنه
بیدار شدن ترسناکه ،
اما گاهى باید با واقعیت روبرو شد ؛
فقط کافیه تا ١٠ بشمرى و بعد چشم ها تو باز کنى !
تئاتر "تو با کدام باد میروی" - فروردین۱۳۹۶
نویسنده : جمال هاشمی
Democracy? Democracy
Democracy is not what these people need, it's not even what they want
America has been trying to install democracy in Nations for a century
And it hasn't worked one time!
These countries don't have the basic building blocks to support a democracy
Little things like "we ought to be tolerant of those who disagree with us"
"We ought to be tolerant of those who worship a different God than us"
That a journalist ought to be able to disagree with the president
And you think that you can just march into these countries based on some
Fundamentalist religious principals, drop a few bombs, topple a dictator
And start a democracy?!!
Give me a break
People don't want freedom
They want boundaries, rules
Protection from invaders and from themselves
People need a leader who can give them both the support
And the constraignts to keep chaos at bay
You give them that, and they'll follow
And that's where I come in
(Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer - Jonathan Irons (Kevin Spacy