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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان 1
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران
رشته دانشگاه
Idiom (Latin: idioma, "special property", f. Greek: ἰδίωμα – idiōma, "special feature, special phrasing", f. Greek: ἴδιος – idios, "one’s own") is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made.[1] There are estimated to be at least 25,000 idiomatic expressions in the English language.

I thought we can explain about idioms here.
( I dont know if we had this topic befor )
this book is very useful if u want to leran idioms : 101 American English Idioms ; Harry Collis

I'll Start with a very famous idiom :
Smell a rat : to Feel Something is Wrong
پاسخ : Idioms

Up ;;)
To weep crocodile tears​
;)) اشکش دمِ مشکشه
True happiness springs from moderation​
اندازه نگه دار که اندازه نکوست
پاسخ : Idioms

cross your heart=promise to tell the truth
make monkey=make face for some one
horse play joke=شوخی خرکی
پاسخ : Idioms

talk to devil:I was just talking about u
teacher's pet:خود شیرین​
پاسخ : Idioms

any site for looking up the meaning of idioms?
پاسخ : Idioms

what about this? :-"

there is some idioms that I think they can be useful

پاسخ : Idioms

Eat your heart out--------> دلت بسوزه ;D

Talk behind some body back -----> غیبت کردن ;;)

On the tip of my tongue-----> نوکه زبونمه ها :-"

Luck was on my side -----> خوش شانسی اوردم 8-^
پاسخ : Idioms

Keep under one's hat : Keep sth secret
Sell smb down the river : betray smb
Lose one's shirt : lose a great deal of money
kick up one's heels: celebrate
پاسخ : Idioms

Kill two birds with one stone : to do one thing which will achieve two results
Get down to business : to start the work that has to be done
See eye to eye with sb : agree with sb or have the same opinion as them
Hit it off (with sb) : to like sb when you first meet him/her​
پاسخ : Idioms

به نقل از بانــــــــــوشــــــاک :
talk to devil:I was just talking about u
teacher's pet:خود شیرین​
i think it is mostly used as "speaking of the devil" meaning -halal zadeh or sth like that
پاسخ : Idioms

Hi buddies,I`d like to know how do U say "Jigareto"in English?????U`re highly appreciated in advance considering my request :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? >:D< #-o
پاسخ : Idioms

Up in the air: پا در هوا

Give me 5: بزن قدش

As easy as A, B, C : به آسوني آب خوردن

Go fly a kite: برو پي نخود سيا

Week of Sunday, When it snows in heal, when pigs fly: وقت گل ني

East, west, home’s the best:هيچ جاي دنيا خونه آدم نمي شه

Dog eat dog:خر تو خر

You cross the line:پاتو از گليمت دراز تر كردي
پاسخ : Idioms

The coast is clear:The danger is over
Winner....Winner.....chicken dinner:ما بردیمُ ما بردیم.....چلو کبابُ ما خوردیم ;D <:-P
پاسخ : Idioms

tie the knot : get marriage
once in a blue moon : go very rarely
do in no time : do very fast
Curiosity killed the cat : کنجکاوی کار دست گربه میده !
drop off : feel asleep
have butter-fly in stomach : be stress full

I can't remember more right now ! :-"
پاسخ : Idioms

Here are some idoms for U:
cool one's heel:معطل کردن
straight from the horse's mouse:خبر دست اول
talk through one's hat:حرف صدتا یه غاز
lay an egg:خیط کردن
horse of a different color:بی ربط بودن
پاسخ : Idioms

hit the hay=sleep
catch somebody's red handed=find out s.b is guilty
the penny dropped?or dropped?=did u understand what i said?​

Get in the red
have less money than the requierment for a job, etc.
پاسخ : Idioms

chill out : to stay calm and feel relaxed.
pass with flying colors : to pass a test or exam very well.
cut class: جیم شدن : to be absent from a class without permission
A common idiom :
Birds of a feather flock together.
:كبوتر با كبوتر باز با باز

This was the first idiom i learnt.
پاسخ : Idioms

as sure as eggs is eggs:quit sure
you can not make an omelette without breking eggs:هرچی پول بدی اش میخوری
just my luck! به خشکی شانس