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پاسخ : Idioms

a leg between two legs = بچه ننه بودن
don't tease me = سر به سرم نذار
watch your big mouth = حرف دهنتو ببند
پاسخ : Idioms

drive somebody round the bend: make somebody angry or frustrated
in the blink of an eye :in an extremly short time
to cut a long story short : to tell the main point but not all the define details
by hook or by crook : if you are going to do some thing by hook or by crook you are determined to do it
pay through the nose for some thing : to pay much more for some thing that is really worth
Staying at home all day was driving her round the bend
In the blink of an eye, he was gone
Long story short, I got fired
I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook
We paid through the nose to get the car fixed and it still doesn't go properly
پاسخ : Idioms

به نقل از !!Fabulous spirit!! :
Hi buddies,I`d like to know how do U say "Jigareto"in English?????U`re highly appreciated in advance considering my request :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? >:D< #-o

I will eat you without salt"
I think so :-? :D
Clear out/Go along with you = go away
Buzz off = بزن ب چاک
Shake a Leg = hurry up
پاسخ : Idioms

cut the cackle----> قُدقُد نکن.
cut the crap----> چرتُ پرت نگو.
what a goop----> چه احمق!
chicken feed----> غذای بخور نمیر.
when the fit is on me---->هر وقت دلم بخواد/هر وقت عشقم بِکِشه. (not sure :-")
پاسخ : Idioms

smell a rat: feel that sth is wrong
go to the dogs: become run-down
fishy: strange and suspicious
horse of a different color: quite a different matter
get in someone's hair: bother someone
all thumbs: clumsy

its enough for now ;D :-"
پاسخ : Idioms

Well , I suggest you using "speak english like an american " for starting to learn idioms & expressions ;;)

some idioms from this book :

sit tight : to wait patiently

big shot : a powerful or important person

to burn the midnight oil : to stay up late studying or working

to get down to business : to get serious about a task
پاسخ : Idioms

Say uncle : to admit that you have been defeated
Straight from horse's mouth : from an authoritative or dependable source
Cry wolf : Intentionally raise a false alarm
پاسخ : Idioms

not able to make head nor tail of something : از چیزی سردر نیاوردن
.I can't make head nor tail of this physics formula

You hit the nail on the head : درست زدی تو خال!
پاسخ : Idioms

what can we say for sootie in english? :-?
پاسخ : Idioms

به نقل از farhid :
what can we say for sootie in english? :-?
it depends on the case, but usually a "blooper" is the word you're looking for
for example: have you heard about Farhids blooper in our party last night?
پاسخ : Idioms

به نقل از GCD :
[ltr]it depends on the case, but usually a "blooper" is the word you're looking for
for example: have you heard about Farhids blooper in our party last night?

then what is the verb used with blooper?
for example is it true toy say i made a blooper? :-"
پاسخ : Idioms

.Yes, to make a blooper
پاسخ : Idioms

blankety_blank :
Used to show annoyance when you want to avoid swearing
×فلان فلان شده :-"
پاسخ : Idioms

Outta sight, outta mind:از دل برود هر آنچه از ديده برفت.
پاسخ : Idioms

the cat's pajamas ==> خیلی شاخ بودن
he thinks he's the cat's pajamas.
پاسخ : Idioms

apples to orenges: گوز به شقیقه :دی
potato potato: سیب زمینی دیب دمینی (both of them are same)
to go cold turkey means to suddenly quit or stop addictive or dangerous behavior such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
پاسخ : Idioms

This is the limit
دیگه شورش در اومده
پاسخ : Idioms

be like taking candy from a baby: means being easy
.example: l thought it was difficult but in the end it was like taking candy from the baby
پاسخ : Idioms

به نقل از Samaneh.T :
be like taking candy from a baby: means being easy
.example: l thought it was difficult but in the end it was like taking candy from the baby
= as easy as ABC = as a piece of cake
مث آب خوردن :D