hi there every body!!!
i read most of your opinions , i agree with some of them , but not all..
From the first moment of our life , we are gifted by the power to think and decide .sometimes our mistakes involve just ourselves , that`s pretty okay in the w comparison with those faults that involves others, abortion in my point of view is one the most cruel actions that parents can do, ,they cant do what ever they want just because that little creature is not born and understands nothing. if they`re not ready to have a child , there are lots of ways to prevent the woman from pregnancy. it`s just a kind of murder and i wonder that why law dont behave them like those who murdered some one else already.
but abortion is not always that bad.after some experiments sometimes doctors find out that the fetus has got some deadly diseases and some mental and physical problems,for example down`s syndrome(trisomy21) it`s okay to abort it, if they do not so, he/she will bring lots of pain and suffer for all the family and of course for her/him self...
i do not have any special idea about execution and i think that in most cases people deserve to be punished in those ways, the ones who kill other people had no right to do so, they do not have right to take lives , are they some one like god to close the eyes that god one day opened them?
but i absolutely disagree with " Sang Sar"!!
any special idea , dudes?!!!