Weekly Discussion

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پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

It depends on the age (what do we call it? age?) of the fetus which is being aborted. I think before the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is not regarded as a complete human. So abortion is OK. :-? but after that... not sure.
and about execution, I think it is the fairest way to punish a killer.
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

?rozhin: Why 12 weeks :-? what's so special about it@
I think the whole idea of abortion is morally right to be done, when we are completely sure that the fetus is gonna have huge problems when it grows up! like these disease that have no way of being cured or what so ever.
but aborting a fetus which is gonna be all healthy & has no problems of such, just because "the parents don't think it's time yet" or "who's gonna pay for its life" is not only morally inappropriate, but also should be forbidden by both government & religion.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از Ali-Death Angel :
?rozhin: Why 12 weeks :-? what's so special about it@

.not sure whether it's 12 or 16. :-? anyway, I mean before the time the organs have grown completely and the fetus gains its soul
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از Ali-Death Angel :
but aborting a fetus which is gonna be all healthy & has no problems of such, just because "the parents don't think it's time yet" or "who's gonna pay for its life" is not only morally inappropriate, but also should be forbidden by both government & religion.[/left]

!Why? I think it's just the same. A baby would be a lot happier when it's wanted somewhere! And if it's aborted before the time, no harm is done​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
!Why? I think it's just the same. A baby would be a lot happier when it's wanted somewhere! And if it's aborted before the time, no harm is done​

I disagree! because what we R doing in abortion, is taking the chance of living itself, what U R sayin' is about "how the baby is gonna live" and these are different matters. I hope u got my point ;D
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

In case the embryo is not aborted ,It will survive...But life is what u live it not what u survive in it. So the point is that you are not giving the baby the chance to live anyway . you're even taking away the parents' chances​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
!Why? I think it's just the same. A baby would be a lot happier when it's wanted somewhere! And if it's aborted before the time, no harm is done​

when a fetus is aborted it doesn't have any other chance to live somewhere else wether be wanted or not! And I think we are not in the situation to decide that how would the baby live in future & we can't kill him /her just because maybe he/she won't be happy in the future.
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از z@hra :

when a fetus is aborted it doesn't have any other chance to live somewhere else wether be wanted or not! And I think we are not in the situation to decide that how would the baby live in future & we can't kill him /her just because maybe he/she won't be happy in the future.
but i think he/she didnt have any thought,any think to be in a affinity on sb or ..
he.she was free!
had not any plan for doing in tomarow!
but a mature evry day think that some feeling will be apeard on next day..and he/she has a plane!
xecution takes her/his opportunities a way!..
  • لایک
امتیازات: Zr74
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

A newborn doesn't have any plans or power to think too
So why so many people see killing newborns or babies so disgusting but they even do kill an embryo so easily ?
not having thoughts and plans" is not a good reason for considering abortion as a right thing​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

Just like others said not having plans or even money 4 the embryo that is gonna be part of their family is an irrational reason 2 kill the embryo...parents have 9 months 2 think and plan 4 their child.I guess one of the reasons that it takes 9 months 4 a child 2 be born is 4 parents to get ready..Family is all about responsibility if they kill their likely child out of selfishness they shouldn`t have gotten married in the first place or we can say they didn`t know what having a family means & they need someone 2 teach them about it.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از پری ناز :
A newborn doesn't have any plans or power to think too
So why so many people see killing newborns or babies so disgusting but they even do kill an embryo so easily ?
not having thoughts and plans" is not a good reason for considering abortion as a right thing​
I did nt mean that they are true!!
I mean that killing an adualt is more cruel!

but no one accepted the abortion!
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از M A S U M E :

I mean that killing an adualt is more cruel!

Why do you think so ? if by killing an adult you mean execution I totally disagree with you .cause a baby ,despite the executed criminal , is innocent.
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

So, what do you think about the death penalty?
Do you think it's right to take someone's life, because this life has taken another life?
Then, if new evidence shows that the executed person wasn't the right one...?
then should the executors be executed? :-" or the judge maybe?!​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از پری ناز :
So, what do you think about the death penalty?
Do you think it's right to take someone's life, because this life has taken another life?
Then, if new evidence shows that the executed person wasn't the right one...?
then should the executors be executed? :-" or the judge maybe?!​
Al~: the topic is about both abortion & execution ;)
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از بره ناقلا :
Al~: the topic is about both abortion & execution ;)

but we can discuss each of them seperately too.​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

hi there every body!!!
i read most of your opinions , i agree with some of them , but not all..
From the first moment of our life , we are gifted by the power to think and decide .sometimes our mistakes involve just ourselves , that`s pretty okay in the w comparison with those faults that involves others, abortion in my point of view is one the most cruel actions that parents can do, ,they cant do what ever they want just because that little creature is not born and understands nothing. if they`re not ready to have a child , there are lots of ways to prevent the woman from pregnancy. it`s just a kind of murder and i wonder that why law dont behave them like those who murdered some one else already.
but abortion is not always that bad.after some experiments sometimes doctors find out that the fetus has got some deadly diseases and some mental and physical problems,for example down`s syndrome(trisomy21) it`s okay to abort it, if they do not so, he/she will bring lots of pain and suffer for all the family and of course for her/him self...

i do not have any special idea about execution and i think that in most cases people deserve to be punished in those ways, the ones who kill other people had no right to do so, they do not have right to take lives , are they some one like god to close the eyes that god one day opened them?
but i absolutely disagree with " Sang Sar"!!
any special idea , dudes?!!!
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از Maryam.chelen :
hi there every body!!!
i read most of your opinions , i agree with some of them , but not all..
From the first moment of our life , we are gifted by the power to think and decide .sometimes our mistakes involve just ourselves , that`s pretty okay in the w comparison with those faults that involves others, abortion in my point of view is one the most cruel actions that parents can do, ,they cant do what ever they want just because that little creature is not born and understands nothing. if they`re not ready to have a child , there are lots of ways to prevent the woman from pregnancy. it`s just a kind of murder and i wonder that why law dont behave them like those who murdered some one else already.
but abortion is not always that bad.after some experiments sometimes doctors find out that the fetus has got some deadly diseases and some mental and physical problems,for example down`s syndrome(trisomy21) it`s okay to abort it, if they do not so, he/she will bring lots of pain and suffer for all the family and of course for her/him self...

i do not have any special idea about execution and i think that in most cases people deserve to be punished in those ways, the ones who kill other people had no right to do so, they do not have right to take lives , are they some one like god to close the eyes that god one day opened them?
but i absolutely disagree with " Sang Sar"!!
any special idea , dudes?!!!

This is my personal point of view : why do embryos with possible chances of diseases get terminated ? cause either the born baby or the parents (e.g : when mom's health is put into danger by child's birth )will suffer.That's exactly the same when the baby is born to an unfriendly atmosphere where he/she is not wanted or can not be supported.

پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از hana.migmig :

This is my personal point of view : why do embryos with possible chances of diseases get terminated ? cause either the born baby or the parents (e.g : when mom's health is put into danger by child's birth )will suffer.That's exactly the same when the baby is born to an unfriendly atmosphere where he/she is not wanted or can not be supported.


When the baby cant be supported because of financial problems, unfriendly environment and blah blah blah there is no need to be pregnant and in that case there`s no need to think about abortion .​
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

به نقل از Maryam.chelen :

When the baby cant be supported because of financial problems, unfriendly environment and blah blah blah there is no need to be pregnant and in that case there`s no need to think about abortion .​
Of course when parents are not ready yet , they should take every possible precautions...but accidents happen...we are talking about the case in which ( intentionally / unintentionally )the fetus has already been created..
پاسخ : Weekly Discussion

The proposed topic of mine for next week is this:
Konkoor,yes or no?
embryo from the first moment of formation is nothing but a colony of cells which is dividing into two daughter cells as i passed in embryology courses
and i don't really understand what makes this embryo having spirit or something
but at any time the parents of this fetus have the right to get ride of it no matter whether it's cruel or not it's their fetus and they r in charge of it no one else can decide but of course both male and female producer should be convinced
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